Saturday, September 18, 2021

Sex can relieve nasal congestion, and other work honored by 2021 Ig Nobels

  "We cross our bridges as we come to them and burn them behind us, with nothing to show for our progress except a memory of the smell of smoke, and the presumption that once our eyes watered."

—Tom Stoppard, Rosencratz and Guildenstern Are Dead Short quotes about certainties of life

IN OUTDOOR & RECREATIONAL GARDENING:  40 Projects for Building Your Backyard Homestead: A Hands-on, Step-by-Step Sustainable-Living Guide (Creative Homeowner) Fences, Chicken Coops, Sheds, Gardening, and More for Becoming Self-Sufficient

Farmhouse chic: 13 beautiful country style homes to inspire you

A third of Aussie couples love this X-rated activity

Sex can relieve nasal congestion, and other work honored by 2021 Ig Nobels Ars Technica

New York Times op-ed:  What’s Wrong With Sex Between Professors and Students? It’s Not What You Think., by Amia Srinivasan (Oxford; Author, The Right To Sex: Feminism in the Twenty-First Century (2021)):

15 Pieces Of Evidence That Show How Fucked Up Australia's Property Market Is

  • Many older people are starting to join social media platforms 
  • They are using their platforms to show aging is fun  

Social media's 'grandfluencers' debunking aging myths

SO 1 IN 3 PEOPLE ARE ANNOYED BY OTHER PEOPLE’S FIDGETING:  First In-Depth Study of ‘Misokinesia’ Phenomenon Shows It May Affect 1 in 3 People.

FASTER, PLEASE:  A Clever ‘Gene Silencing’ Injection Has Been Approved For Treating High Cholesterol.

MICROBIOME NEWS:  Human Gut Bacteria Could Be Accumulating Our Medications Without Us Realizing.

Ancient Greek ‘pop culture’ discovery rewrites history of poetry and song (AL). “The poem, unparalleled so far in the classical world, consists of lines of 4 syllables, with a strong accent on the first and a weaker on the third. This allows it to slot into the rhythms of numerous pop and rock songs, such as Chuck Berry’s ‘Johnny B. Goode.'”

Inside the cult of crypto FT

Experts say Apple is ‘on very dangerous grounds’ for blocking employees from talking about wages on Slack while allowing topics like dogs and foosball Business Insider. Tim Cook’s Tenth Anniversary bonus: $750 millionLabor law implications.


Explainer | September 11’s biggest names: where are they now? South China Morning Post. An iconic photo: