Friday, May 28, 2021

Burnout: Modern Affliction or Human Condition ...


Why is the USDA Buying $40 Million Worth of Pistachios? Modern Farmer

Champagne Tries to Fix Its Problems The beleaguered bubbly industry turns to the Hamptons to regain its sparkle. New York magazine

Radioactive trash – a tale of two Sydney suburbs

Australia is relatively clear of nuclear reprocessing waste problems. But the Sydney suburbs of Hunters Hill and Barden Ridge have radioactive wastes from uranium processing which have been sitting there for decades. A bill is now before the Senate addressing the issue....

Boardwalk Sabotage: Dead Fish and Rotting Meat Raise Tensions in the Rockaways New York magazine (Grub Street)

Burnout: Modern Affliction or Human Condition?New Yorker

Big cats seized from zoo in Netflix’s Tiger King BBC

B.C. failing to meet international targets for protecting biodiversity, critical habitat: reportNarwhal

Tony Blair Wants to Drag the Left Into His Own Political Grave Jacobin


‘We Need to Stop Taking Employers’ Viewpoint as Gospel’ FAIR


A City in Brazil Experiments with the Unconditional Basic Income Der Spiegel


The Strongest Sign Yet That Inflation Is TransitoryBloomberg

Happy accidents

A selection of old and new things. The Accidental Observer, an abandoned tumblr / Le Neuvième Art, another old tumblr of hard line comic illustrations / Una Vida Moderna, mid-century modern in Mexico and Detroit, a tumblr / art by Chris Turnham / Trashed: how the UK is still dumping plastic waste on the rest of the world / Delia Derbyshire: The Myths and the Legendary Tapes / People Map USAPeople Map UK (via Spark Edition) / calling for a flat and level Kanvas at Cartographers Without Borders / Neil’s Speed Writer, a focused writing tool / Pippin Barr’s The Nothings Suite: ‘… you get to see each game engine’s idea of what “nothing” (or at least no effort) looks like when you set out to make a game with it.’ / pixel games by Machine Screen / photography by Sean David Bradley / post-rock music project, Unknown Replica / Erik Kessels’excellent ‘In almost every picture‘ series continues / Sierra Nevada Airstreams, old school RV stories.

Myanmar’s Opposition Wants U.S. Intervention. Here Are Some Options. Foreign Policy. Some problems, here. First, “Opposition” implies that the government installed by the Tatmadaw’s coup is legitimate. Second, “Myanmar’s Opposition” is deceptive, since the lead says “some voices among the protesters.” Third, I’ve seen the “R2P” signs in images clearly directed at an English-speaking audience, but I don’t know how to assess them; I don’t see such signs in marches or protests that are clearly up-country, so my guess is an NGO faction. Finally, and now addressing the lead, “protesters” is probably not the word the National Unity Government (NUG) would prefer, since they see themselves ideologically as representatives of Myanmar Federalism, and institutionally as an entity deserving international recognition. This article is a mess. And speaking of international recognition for the NUG:

His Excellency, , Deputy Foreign Minister of Czech Republic has officially accepted U Linn Thant from as liaison officer for the Czech Republic as official representative for having future collaboration with NUG for Myanmar. He further vowed..... (1/2)