Tuesday, August 25, 2020

We From Jana Kandlova and Jim Vicevich (foreword), Stalked by Socialism: An Escapee from Communism Shows How We’Re Sliding into Socialism.

IN THE MAIL: From Jana Kandlova and Jim Vicevich (foreword),  Stalked by Socialism: An Escapee from Communism Shows How We’Re Sliding into Socialism.

BITE YOUR MAO TSE-TUNG: women hold up half the sky Biden Again Quotes Chinese Dictator Chairman Mao In Campaign Appearance

WELL SURE, THAT’S WHAT THEY WANTYOU TO THINK…If You’re Reading This, You Might Be A Conspiracy Theorist.”

No special treatment for Minister Harwin: NSW Police

IN THE MAIL: You Were Not Born to Suffer: Overcome Fear, Insecurity and Depression and Love Yourself Back to Happiness, Confidence and Peace.

POSTMODERN PROBLEMS: Australian public servant condemns censorship after blogpost cost him his job.

In April, Krook published a post on a fledgling blog called the Oxford Political Review, arguing social isolation was good for big tech companies, because it made people increasingly dependent on online platforms for interaction.

Krook also worked as a policy officer with the industry department, working on tech policy.

His post talked only in generalities. It made no reference to any individual company and did not mention, let alone criticise, the Australian government or government policy.

In no way did Krook identify himself as a government employee or policy officer or seek to conflate his writing with his views as a public servant.

Three months after the post, Krook was invited to a meeting with his superior.

In the meeting, Krook says he was given a choice: remove the blog post or face termination.

Australia is along the road to that happy place where everything not forbidden is compulsory.