— Marcus Aurelius, born around this date in 120
Genius goes around the world in its youth incessantly apologizing for having large feet. What wonder that later in life it should be inclined to raise those feet too swiftly to fools and bores.” ... read more
A fortnight before the collapse Mr Khattar was awarded property developer of the year by the Urban Taskforce, a lobbying organisation for property developers. Building homes was in the "family blood", Mr Khattar said in his acceptance speech. But it appears paying tax is not.
"They just don't have it in their DNA to pay tax," said prominent liquidator Stephen Hathway of the tens of millions of dollars Dyldam-related entities owe to the Australian Taxation Office. Bower owes the ATO almost $1 million, while former staff are owed the same amount in unpaid wages and entitlements. The Office of State Revenue is owed $309,662, Harvey Norman $132,000 and more than $15 million is owed to scores of subcontractors and tradespeople.
Pre-insolvency business advisers investigated by ASIC and ATO ...
The company is often then restarted under a different name, a practice known as "phoenixing". The revelations about the scale of potential ...
Phoenixing companies too easy and lucrative in Australia, new report finds - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Australian Tax Office puts a roof over Williams crime clan
IT myth of job skills
The Deregulation of Private Capital and the Decline of the Public Company The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation
Phoenixing companies too easy and lucrative in Australia, new report finds - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Australian Tax Office puts a roof over Williams crime clan
IT myth of job skills
The Deregulation of Private Capital and the Decline of the Public Company The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation
Anosh Ali, Trump’s Back-to Basics Tax Plan: It’s Tremendous! (Surly Subgroup). Fake news, but maybe accurate
All this talk about what’s been done in 100 days got us thinking …
What progress has Trump made in his first 100 days?
Ivanka Trump met with jeers in Berlin as she calls father 'champion of women'...
Trump's attacks on media blamed for decline in US standing in press-freedom survey
Breitbart struggles
to define its role in Trump era: Bad boy, watchdog or lapdog?
In surprise TED talk, Pope Francis embraces science, but urges humanity
United Airlines in new PR disaster after giant rabbit dies on UK flight Guardian The rabbit died. Oh dear
Farhad Manjoo, New York Times Magazine, April 25, 2017: Can Facebook Fix Its Own Worst Bug?
I do not consider this to be a confirmed result, still the basic mechanism is of interest, especially to analyses of complacency:
Despite the near universality of the maxim that one should treat others as one ought to be treated, even well-intended advisers often advise others to act differently than they choose for themselves. We review several psychological factors that contribute to biased advice. Absent pecuniary motives to the contrary, advice tends to be paternalistically biased in favor of caution. Policies that would intuitively promote quality advice — such as making advisers accountable, taking advice from advisers who value the relationship, or having advisers disclose potential conflicts of interest — can perversely lower the quality of advice.
That is from a paper by Jason Dana and Daylian M. Cain, via Rolf Degen. Here is further commentary from Degen.
A lot can
happen in 100 days
Policy is made and laws are passed. Governments rise and fall and
leaders come and go. A lot of news can be packed into 100 days…All this talk about what’s been done in 100 days got us thinking …
What progress has Trump made in his first 100 days?
Ivanka Trump met with jeers in Berlin as she calls father 'champion of women'...
Trump's attacks on media blamed for decline in US standing in press-freedom survey

In surprise TED talk, Pope Francis embraces science, but urges humanity
United Airlines in new PR disaster after giant rabbit dies on UK flight Guardian The rabbit died. Oh dear
Farhad Manjoo, New York Times Magazine, April 25, 2017: Can Facebook Fix Its Own Worst Bug?
A new documentary about the New York Times arrives at just the moment America’s newspaper of record presents itself as something that stands not for news but for power, partisanship, and elitism. It’s titled “Obit,” perhaps in a witty response to the digital era’s advance on outmoded media. An inside look at how the paper’s staff of obituary writers and researchers perform their tasks, Obit may be the closest that any media-maker gets to examining the Times’ confidential procedures during this terrible period of oppositional journalism.
Obit’s timing and title is particularly apropos, considering how universally the DNC-MSM dropped the mask last year — and only a few years prior, already completed building their own mausoleum.
Related: “If you want to see, in an instant, what the New York Times has become, just consider the lead headlines in this morning’s editions of the Times and the Wall Street Journal.”