Sunday, September 05, 2004

Our desperate loneliness and pathetic sadness (salty tear) make us blog to fill the hollow void that is our life (grin) ...
We don’t get excited easily, but sometimes we get caught up in buzz to the point we tingle. In a good way. At least that’s what the shame doctor said... I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself

The Blog, The Press, The Media: Are Blogs the Once-ler of the Net?
In my never ending search for websites and blogs that I think do a good job of getting more ideas and diversity in front of more readers I have been spying on the KM and the way Bill Ives links to cautionary tales about the dangers of Playboy attitudes and man-cave experiences:
One of my favorite childhood stories was The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss. For those of you who don’t know the story, The Lorax is a cautionary fable on the dangers of corporate greed and disregard for the earth’s environment. The Once-ler, the faceless narrator of the story, describes how he arrived in paradise, built a factory, used up all the natural resources around him and left a desolate wasteland in its wake. Very cheery stuff indeed!
The metaphor still works on many levels -- including perhaps, the interactive space. Don’t believe me? Is ad clutter helping or hurting the online ad market? And what has the proliferation of spam done to the email marketing channel?

Now we’ve got these great new things called blogs; [ Oops, Good Girls Don’t]
• · Benjamin Rush’s way to show which drinks lead to war in Iraq: Ach, when it suits him, Sober President Bush Quotes Blog ; [Czech out the week at the Republican C Bloggers at the Convention; Walter Laqueur The Terrorism to Come; John Quiggin Put His Brilliant Mind into blogging about the Root Causes of Terrorism]
• · · Bubbles Are in the Air: Blog Search Takes New Approach
• · · · New Blog About Trends In Online Dating, Social Networking Userplane is launched ; [Humans and animals alike talk about the same things every day: sex, real estate, food, who’s boss]
• · · · · Drug Allegations: George Soros demands an apology from Denny Hastert
• · · · · · More Aussies Accents on the Virtual Blogging Block: Hack Watch; Psephite