Clash of the Titans Science. Neutrino experiments
Thirsty work: Distilling among the fastest-growing jobs
Gin distilling is one of many industries blossoming, with the number of people employed in spirit manufacturing growing by 240 per cent.
The Winged House has evolved to become one of Tasmania’s best known places to stay.
Quentin Dempster's property empire extends to Apple Isle
Joe AstonWe've previously marvelled at the canny property investing of our newest Fairfax recruit Quentin Dempster – formerly of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. But really, we had no idea just how astute he is with the dollars and cents.
In addition to his 1870's "grand Italianate terrace" on Sydney Harbour – acquired on a 99-year lease from the NSW government for $1.5 million (plus $175,000 conservation management bond) – the former current affairs host also owns a getaway abode, designed by architect Richard Goodwin, perched on the cliffs of Tasmania's north-west coast. Called The Winged House, you can rent it on Airbnb for a princely $519 a night. The shack looks incredible – but there are no solar panels on the "committed" conservationist's roof. And we're not sure about the sofas…
Lord knows why the Sydney Morning Heraldhas him covering state politics – I'd have him writing a personal finance column.
In addition to his 1870's "grand Italianate terrace" on Sydney Harbour, Quentin Dempster owns a getaway abode on Tasmania's north-west coast. Rod Clement
I feel for Dempster having to work in such close proximity to yours truly, and I've clearly upset the bloke. I don't want to be accused again of "inciting hatred" against him, so here's my gesture of goodwill:
I want us all to cheer him up and help him make ends meet. Let's all book a trip to his Tassie bungalow. It's only 10 minutes' drive from the serene smokestacks of the Burnie paper mill and its most erudite native, Jacqui Lambie. The influx of AFR readers could be the biggest boon for the region since Dean Capobianco won the Burnie Gift.
Also, we stated incorrectly on Tuesday that the Walkley Foundation's registered place of business was at Dempster's Miller's Point address. The Foundation is registered at its office in Redfern, and Dempster is listed as a director based at Miller's Point. Our bad.
In part one of this series we took a look at the mindset that is necessary to forge deep and fulfilling connections with others. Specifically, we talked about vulnerability and acceptance.
| Good riddance to long books. Novels have generally been shrinking since the 18th century. The Booker Prize embraces the brevity Dance 💃 of good riddance »
Mars is littered with 15,694 pounds of human trash from 50 years of robotic exploration.
The Expected Financial Crash Is Finally Here Moon of Alabama
Credit Suisse and the hunt for the weakest link in global finance The Economist vs. No, Credit Suisse Isn’t on the Brink Bloomberg
Andrew Smithers: Lookout! Bad Models Equal Bad Outcomes McAlvany Weekly Commentary
Why ethereum’s big ‘merge’ is causing big headaches Agence France-Press
Landlords of the Internet: Big Data and Big Real Estate (preprint) Daniel Greene (paywalled at Social Studies of Science). Well worth a read:
If the internet is a ‘network of networks’ then those networks must have physical points of interconnection. These points must be housed, guarded, and maintained, lest traffic be disrupted and the global economy stall. Essentially, someone—Markley, Equinix, 60 Hudson Street Owner LLC—is collecting rent for operating highly specialized buildings, with state-of-the art climate, security, and power systems, in which tenants make their networks available for interconnection, create private connections with strategic partners, and store digital assets. The speed of streaming and the ease of the cloud only exists because of these place-based economic relations. I call firms like Equinix and Digital Realty internet landlords. At the core of the new economy is one of the oldest: real estate.
- ‘I think I was good, though I could have been better’: Terry Pratchett and the writing of his life (h/t Diane Duane)
Danger of politicizing science