Sunday, October 16, 2016

Fearlessness in those without power is maddening to those who have it ...

I owe it to myself, and to historic truth, to declare, that some circumstances in this paragraph are founded only on conjecture and analogy. The stubbornness of our language has sometimes forced me to deviate from the conditional into the indicative mood...
~Jenny Davidson

It is rather bizarre as even in 2016 AD some individuals Few people are not aware that every email is like a postcard   - every email and every sms we send by iphone yahoo, gmail, hotmail, hotfemale etc  all these can be read by anyone reading it along the way  ... Shameless words and thoughts strong bik polatis triple meaning ...

Real socialism is inside man. It wasn’t born with Marx. It was in the communes of Italy in the Middle Ages. You can’t say it is finished.
Dario Fo 

Messy Tim Harford - Maria Konnikova reviews Tim Harford at NYT

“How extraordinary it is that one feels most guilt about the sins one is unable to commit.”

 ~ V.S. Pritchett, Midnight Oil

If you bottled up Hunter S. Thompson, your beloved grandma and The Real Housewives, you’d have Coquette (formerly Coketalk), a Los Angeles party girl turned mysterious advice  columnist, who’s known for her sassy, biting straight talk about ...

… Emails: Washington Post WH Bureau Chief Warns Podesta of New Story.
Anyone else notice the irony that her article was about ethics? When did it become okay to get all buddy buddy with the government, especially when you put in material that is public record? Why go through all the trouble to reach Podesta?

In the latest Wikileaks dump, Washington Post White House bureau chief Juliet Eilperin tipped off Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta that she wrote an article about new ethics rules that President Barack Obama adopted in 2009. Here’s the email:

Apparently, it seems Eilperin didn’t want to burn any bridges because when Eryn Sepp didn’t answer her email, she sent another one to Frank Benenati, a White House spokesperson and assistant press secretary at the time.

Washington Post Tips Podesta

She then sent Benenati the portion of her story that mentioned Podesta, asking him if she needed to make any changes:

Let me know if there are any issues with it, but the donations from Steyer and Wyss are a matter of public record. I’m not mentioning the contract Podesta had with Wyss because you never got back to me on that, and I didn’t want to mention it without getting some sort of response in advance.
And the story will run tomorrow if it makes A1; otherwise it will hold.

Thing is, when Podesta asked for clarification, Eilperin assured him she was not accusing him of anything:

It’s not an accusation, it is just saying that even with the ethics order, people who have performed advocacy have served in the administration.

Um, okay. As Professor Jacobson said in his tweet, it’s no wonder people do not trust the mainstream media. Eilperin even sounds apologetic for having to mention this inconvenient fact in her story.

Anyone else notice the irony that her article was about ethics? When did it become okay to get all buddy buddy with the government, especially when you put in material that is public record? Why go through all the trouble to reach Podesta?