Russian Navy has new weapon that makes targets hallucinate, vomit: report The Hill
The BAFTA Live Blog

As the ceremony happens, the blog will update with a full list of winners. To begin with, though, it’s red carpet commentary. – The Guardian (UK)
If MEdia Dragon dies tomorrow or if the devil forbids blogging - clocking 750,000 hits on the blog is a massive achievement for a Mittleuropean nobody ...
This explainer identifies four current trends in workplace monitoring and surveillance: prediction and flagging tools; biometrics and health data; remote monitoring and time-tracking; and gamification and algorithmic management
The confessional solution to the repeated failure was one path to take. It seems that many of his fellow believers adopted it, as they stayed in Jerusalem and frequented the Temple, presumably making the sacrifices. But St Paul glimpsed another possibility. Rather than show himself to the priests, he turned towards a more radical freedom. He stopped worrying about himself.
He let his failures be. He accepted his weakness. He embraced his thorn in the flesh. He adopted the daily task of dying to himself so that he could be reliably open to an inflow of the deathless life of God.
Full Disclosure - Smile at your New Year resolutions failures -
Gizmodo: “Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Apple move more money than many medium-sized nations. Their extraordinary profits are won through extraordinary reach—this is not a secret. That a few companies are afforded unprecedented and shamefully unregulated access into our homes is now an unremarkable fact of living with tiny computers everywhere. When Gizmodo reporter Kashmir Hill, or Kash, as I call her, approached me about her desire to rid herself of these companies, I was excited. As consumers, we are afforded only a few avenues of acceptable dissent—the most reasonable of which is that, if you don’t like what a company is doing, you can move your money and data elsewhere. But increasingly this option is unavailable to us. The tech giants are so thoroughly woven into our lives that it’s difficult to even spot. This experiment was an opportunity to measure the reach of these companies and foreground the ways the world has become organized around them.
Some Of The Coolest Movie Theatres In The World – A Gallery
For 16 years, Paris-based photographer Stephan Zaubitzer has been seeking out old movie palaces and photographing them. – The Guardian