— Gerard de Nerval, who died in 1855
"If it wasn’t for us, you’d be speaking German right now.”
A bookmark from Prague
It takes something “wrong” to make a good memorable blog entry ...
“I read the way a person might swim, to save his or her life. I wrote that way too,” the irreplaceable Mary Oliver (September 10, 1935–January 17, 2019) reflected in her lovely autobiographical essay on how literature saved her life. But what does it take to write such buoyant literature — be it poetry or prose — that lends itself as a lifeboat to those far from the shore of being?
Mary Oliver’s Advice on Writing – Brain Pickings
PHOTO: The Milky Way reflects in the waters of Glen Helen Gorge, Northern Territory. (ABC Open contributor JaydidPhoto)
Sinking or Swimming - The Reading Experience.
AdviceToWriters - Advice to Writers - Read Something of Thrilling Quality
Are These Bad Habits Creeping Into Your Writing? | Literary Hub
Can a Translation Be a Masterpiece, Too? | by Tim Parks | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books
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A Writer’s Take On Literary Festivals
“For years I have not participated in collective activities, especially if they force me to move from one continent to another. … The round table was a disaster, since the other two participants, very young, started a binge yesterday evening that has lasted throughout the day, and presented themselves in a deplorable state. As they are mystery authors, they feel obliged to show a degree of alcoholism that they may not have.” – El País (Spain
MIETNSSJ: “How to Make Sex Scenes Natural and Nonthreatening? Cue the ‘Intimacy Coordinator’” (NYT)
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