Friday, May 05, 2023

The Emerging Science Of Hope

The Emerging Science Of Hope

We might typically think of hope as a touchy-feely emotion that, almost by definition, is divorced from real-life experience. In fact, as more research is beginning to show, hope is an important scientific concept—something we can define, measure, analyze, and ultimately cultivate. - The Atlantic

The Usefulness Of Feeling Irritated

Something about this ordinary, negligible feeling seems to make it inaccessible to critical reflection. Perhaps because, when irritable, we tend to be at our least reflective – preoccupied with those diminutive miseries whose oversize effect we know would not stand up to criticism. - Aeon

Dutchman wins European seagull screeching championship

Adrian Woolridge on Roger Scruton (Bloomberg)How good or bad are coffee dates?  Compared to what?

Tocqueville on the importance of travel for learning

Fugees Malaysia markets in everything

Fatal fungus outbreak worries Nevada lawmakers, more help wanted Las Vegas Review Journal. Separate from above.

An Insider’s Guide to “Anti-Disinformation”Andrew Lowenthal, Racket News A new #TwitterFiles from Lowenthal: