Friday, May 05, 2023

Coinbase’s “Wells Response” Vs. SEC: Is The Crypto Firm Digging Its Own Grave?

A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow.

— Charlotte Brontë, born on this date in 1816

The Taxman Will Eventually Come For AI, Too

Crown Princess Mary Cancer Centre in Westmead Hospital in cyber attack, hackers threatening to release stolen data

The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax

Old enough to know better, too young to care. 

Element of visibility for CEOs on the day when the forth of May Star Wars was with us …

Squawk bots: Can generative AI lead us to understanding animals? Google Cloud. By Betteridge’s Law, no.

Coinbase’s “Wells Response” Vs. SEC: Is The Crypto Firm Digging Its Own Grave? The Deep Dive

Poland seizes Russian embassy and trade mission funds RT 

Procurement in the Bundeswehr: Speed Now Has Priority

Federal government commits $3.8b to Australia’s northern bases after Defence Strategic ReviewABC. Meanwhile 

Repos Rising Again As Subprime Auto Loans Put Owners Way Behind The Drive

America’s Industrial Transition Apricitas Economics

KLG: When Science Becomes Embroiled in Conflict

Who are these scientists and what are their motivations? The default position of the powers-that-be has been to view scientists as disinterested seekers of the truth of the natural world. However, scientists and their patrons who are “science adjacent” can be anything but disinterested

Eleven Minutes of Media Falsehoods, Just On One Subject, Just On One Station Matt Orfalea and Matt Taibbi, Racket News. A new #TwitterFiles from Orfalea

Banking Problems May Be Tip of Debt IcebergWSJ


Welcome to a new, humbler private-equity industryThe Economist

‘The Thing That’s Made the Union Strong Is to Privilege the Lowest Paid’ FAIR


Tesla broke U.S. labor law by silencing workers, official rules Reuters


More on Consultants Pedestrian Observations


Capital’s Militant New Left Review. Peter Thiel


The Quest for Longevity Is Already Over Wired. “[Jay Olshansky, an epidemiologist at the University of Illinois at Chicago], says that the quest for longevity in the developed world is mostly already over. We already live exceptionally long lives, he points out.” Sure, but what about Third World countries, where life expectancy is decreasing?

Public records are my passion. They can be yours too. Brutal South