Putin's propaganda fail: Russian concertgoers shout anti-war protest | World | News | Express.co.uk.
Wuhan Institute of Virology Publishes New “Gain of Function” Study Featuring Avian Flu Virus.
Invasive jumping worms have made their way into California, and scientists are worried SFGate
Crypto Might Have an Insider Trading Problem WSJ
The eternal dream of automatic money FT. O Plato! Plato! you have paved the way…

‘The PM has until the end of July’: The inside story of how Boris Johnson survived PartyGateiNews
Parliament could burn down any day, says Andrea Leadsom BBC
What TikTok’s obsession with nepotism babies says about class The Face
What Happens To A Rock Climbing Community When Venture Capital Comes Calling? Defector
Is the Middle Class Musician Disappearing? The Honest Broker. Betteridge’s Law violation.
Caught in the Study Web Cybernaut
Want to Smell Like Cleopatra? Researchers Are Combining Ancient and Ultra-Modern Techniques to Recreate Historical Scents Artnet News
A missing color — cognitive scientist and artist Allen Tager tries to figure out what explains why violet was largely missing for much of human historyPhilosophy at the movies — some highlights from the film & philosophy podcast of Justin Khoo (MIT), “Cows in the Field”“The objection to violence has its limit at the point when fundamental freedoms are at stake” — understanding Habermas’ view on Germany’s role in helping Ukraine (via Darrel Moellendorf)“Raz’s legacy is a body of work united by dense and detailed tissues of understanding, spun between jurisprudence, political philosophy, ethics, and practical reasoning” — Jeremy Waldron (NYU) on the significance of Joseph Raz’s workIf we conceive of time as a kind of veil of ignorance, perhaps the governance of space is a good subject for a Rawlsian approach—but not for long — more cynical headline: “Rawls’s Theory Finally Finds Suitable Application in Lifeless Void, according to Social Scientists”More on the metaphysics of farts, and the mysterious author of the article smelt round the world — by Elizabeth Picciuto in Slate“How much should we dress up for an event when the topic of the talk was body modification?” — a journalist reports on an event with philosopher Clare Chambers (Cambridge) about bodies, beauty, and shame