Saturday, May 28, 2022

A wild new court decision would blow up much of the government’s ability to operate

 A Fool and His Money… Joe Costello, Life in the 21st Century

The Tech Rout Isn’t Just Cyclical—It’s Well-Earned, and Overdue Bloomberg

Getting Out of the Rat Race: Is an “Age of Leisure and Abundance” Possible?

Why can’t we have nice things like leisure time?

2-year-old orders 31 cheeseburgers after mom leaves phone unlocked CNN 

 Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, May 21, 2022 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways technology is used to compromise and diminish our privacy and online security, often without our situational awareness. – Four highlights from this week: How Often Do Ads Share Your Data Every Day? Hundreds of Times; Threat actors compromising US business online checkout pages to steal credit card information; Your Bosses Could Have a File on You, and They May Misinterpret It; and Hackers are Hijacking Phone Numbers to Empty Crypto Accounts.

The Global Data Barometer is a collaborative project that aims to measure the state of data in relation to urgent societal issues.  Together with regional hubs and thematic partners, we seek to appraise data availability, governance, capability and use around the world to help shape data infrastructures that limit risks and harms in climate action, company information, health and COVID-19, land, political integrity, public finance and public procurement.

8 Best Free Online Music Streaming Services With No Limitations - MakeUseOf: “Finding a completely unlimited music listening experience can be a real challenge. Most music streaming services offer free and paid tiers, but place restrictions on the features available in the free plan. Spotify’s free package, for example, doesn’t offer the highest quality audio and only lets you listen on shuffle when using mobile.

 If you want to listen to free music without limitations, these are the music streaming services with no restrictions…We end with Soundzabound. It is the top unrestricted music streaming service for anyone involved in education who needs music for their project, presentation, podcast, or video yearbook…”

Vox: “The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued yet another astonishing decision on Wednesday. Jarkesy v. SEC seeks to dismantle much of the system the federal government uses to enforce longstanding laws and to determine who is eligible for federal benefits. And it does so in defiance of numerous Supreme Court decisions that should bind lower courts. 

The Jarkesy decision claims that the system the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) uses to enforce federal laws protecting investors from fraud is unconstitutional for at least three different reasons; that it has been unconstitutional for years; and that somehow no one has noticed this fact until two particularly partisan judges, taking liberties with existing law, discovered these defects in the Jarkesy case. 

A wild new court decision would blow up much of the government’s ability to operate - Vox