Breaking news literally: Eagle takes down Drone in Australia (Eagle is Fine) Melbourne Aerial Video
“..In San Diego, 9.3 percent of workers hold STEM jobs. The city kickstarted its
tech economy by investing in local universities beginning in the 1960s. Durham,
N.C., has a STEM labor force that’s 13.9 percent of all workers. Its biotech
economy started with a sprawling research park that began to grow around the
same time that Huntsville’s high-tech transformation was getting started. Cities
like Omaha, Neb., and Chattanooga, Tenn., have courted Web startups by investing
in high-speed Internet…Tech jobs have also proliferated in energy hubs, like
Oklahoma City, Okla. and Denver, Colo. and around research institutions like the
University of Wisconsin at Madison and Princeton University, in New Jersey. The
top 20 metropolitan areas by STEM employment account for half the STEM jobs in
Bloomberg’s analysis, leaving cities like Ann Arbor, Mich. and Boulder, Colo. to
fight for the other half of America’s geologists, medical researchers, and
computer programmers
The Unlikely Cities That Will Power the U.S. Economy 
Jervis Bay Sep 2014 |
Economists vs. Economics Dani Rodrik, Project Syndicate
Foundations of Financial Well-Being: Insights into the Role of
Executive Function, Financial Socialization, and Experience-Based Learning in
Childhood and Youth. Journal of Consumer Affairs – Article first published
online: 11 MAR 2015. DOI: 10.1111/joca.12068
“During childhood and youth we build the foundations for financial well-being
later in life, acquiring the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and personality
traits that enable us to manage our finances as adults. This article reviews
literature from consumer science, developmental psychology, and allied fields to
gain insight into moments during youthful development when interventions are
likely to have greatest impact. We find promising avenues for influence during
each developmental life stage. Many present truly novel approaches to financial
education—such as focusing on improving executive function in young children
(critical despite lacking apparent “financial content”), emphasizing financial
attitude development through dual-generation financial modeling for elementary
and middle school students and their parents, or intentionally teaching
financial heuristics and other practical skills to later adolescents and young
adults. Bourgeois Pelican at Jervis Bay Sting Ray River (sep 2014)
The threat of robots and automation taking jobs is being overstated
The Conversation, 29/8/15. Jobs, or more accurately, not having a job, has been in the news this week. Questions the accuracy of a range of reports. *Mentions: The new work order: Ensuring young Australians have skills and experience for the jobs of the future, not the past.
The Chinese Financial Crash: A Behavioural
Economist’s Perspective
Market Mogul, 24/8/15. The rise and subsequent fall of the Chinese stock market provides a perfect case study for the behavioural economist enthusiasts among us to study the irrationality of investors and the mental heuristics and shortcuts that occur in the markets on a daily basis. Daniel Shaviro (NYU), Book Review (Edward D. Kleinbard (USC), We Are Better Than This: How Government Should Spend Our Money (Oxford University Press, 2014)):
This short book review of Edward Kleinbard's We Are Better Than This: How Government Should Spend Our Money
both discusses the book's many strengths, and addresses the
significance to the book's analysis of issues of high-end (as distinct
from low-end) inequality that it generally does not emphasize. A
number of important recent books have brought broad public attention to
rising high-end inequality. Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the
Twenty-First Century, while the best-known, is merely one entry in this
genre.1However, until the 2014 publication of Edward Kleinbard’s We Are
Better Than This: How Government Should Spend Our Money, there had been
no comparably prominent and important recent contributions within the
tax law or public economics realms addressing low-end inequality. ...
Key Issues in the Design of Capital Gains Tax Regimes: Taxing Non-Residents, by Craig Elliffe
French court confirms Monsanto liable in chemical poisoning case Reuters. “[N]eurological problems after inhaling the U.S. company’s Lasso weedkiller.”
Why we should design our computer chips to self-destruct Christian Science Monitor
This 70-Year-Old Programmer Is Preserving an Ancient Coding Language on GitHubMotherboard. A life well-lived!
Range of reactions to realism about the social world Understanding Society
Federalism Form and Function in the Detroit Bankruptcy Melissa Jacoby, SSRN
Poll finds almost a third of Americans would support a military coup Guardian. poll which, despite its name, is a private entity in Palo Alto, CA. What I can’t see, and would like to know, is who commissioned the poll, and why.