The idea of the “Philosophers On” series is to prompt further discussion among philosophers about issues and events of current public interest, and also to explore the ways in which philosophers can add, with their characteristically insightful and careful modes of thinking, to the public conversation. Others are, of course, welcome to join in. Additionally, if you come across particularly valuable relevant philosophical commentary elsewhere, please provide a link in the comments
Bohemian Philosophers on Drug Prices/

Albanian symbol almost like Executing some kind of financial ISIS
Martin Shkreli’s Free-Market Fetish: How the Drug Profiteer’s Pathetic Excuses Reveal a Dangerous IdeologySalon.
Martin Shkreli’s Free-Market Fetish: How the Drug Profiteer’s Pathetic Excuses Reveal a Dangerous IdeologySalon.
The 32-year-old former hedge fund manager and entrepreneur runs a drug company called Turing Pharmaceuticals. The company recently bought a 62-year-old drug used by AIDS patients then raised its price by 4000 per cent overnight. Unsurprisingly, the move enraged many and when asked via Twitter by a journalist why the company implemented the dramatic price hike, Shkreli said it was just a “great business decision”. He then went on to call the journalist, Fierce Biotecheditor John Carroll, a “moron”. DAnd the Twitter mob isn’t happy ...
The move has compounded fears about a growing trend of pharmaceutical companies acquiring the rights to drugs and turning them into high priced specialty pharmaceuticals. Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has said she will look to tackle the practice: “Price gouging like this in the specialty drug market is outrageous. Tomorrow I’ll lay out a plan to take it on,” she wrote on Twitter. Read more here
‘Pharma Bro’ backs down: Martin Shkreli will roll back outrageous Daraprim price gouge Raw Story. Big big mistake targeting a drug used by people with HIV
For $5, I could get 200 Facebook fans, or 6,000 Twitter followers, or I could get @SMExpertsBiz to tweet about the truck to the account’s 26,000 Twitter fans. A Lincoln could get me a Facebook review, a Google review, an Amazon review, or, less easily, a Yelp review. Cheats can nake a fortune online ... I’m not the first to set up a fake business as a honeypot for fake reviews. In 2013, the New York attorney general’s office went undercover for “Operation Clean Turf.” Pretending to be a fro-yo place in Brooklyn plagued with negative reviews, the office called up “SEO shops” asking for help burnishing its online reputation. Many of them wrote fake reviews, using IP maskers and cheap freelancers abroad. At the end of that investigation, the attorney general fined 19 companies from $2,500 to $100,000 each for breaking business laws.
I created a fake business and bought it an amazing online reputation Fusion
I created a fake business and bought it an amazing online reputation Fusion
‘Pharma Bro’ backs down: Martin Shkreli will roll back outrageous Daraprim price gouge Raw Story. Big big mistake targeting a drug used by people with HIV