Oliver Sacks — doctor, humanist, contrarian, neurological novelist — is dead. He was 82... Telegraph... Guardian... Michiko Kakutani.... Jerome Groopman... NY Times and other Media Dragons

"I sometimes wonder why I pushed myself so relentlessly in weight lifting. My motive, I think, was not an uncommon one; I was not the ninety-eight-pound weakling of bodybuilding advertisements, but I was timid, diffident, insecure, submissive. I became strong — very strong — with all my weight lifting but found that this did nothing for my character, which remained exactly the same."
On religion:
"My religion is nature. That's what arouses those feelings of wonder and mysticism and gratitude in me."
On sex:
"... sex is one of those areas—like religion and politics—where otherwise decent and rational people may have intense, irrational feelings."
Ruth Leger Sivard has passed away: “With what she knows, she has every right to get on a rooftop and scream,” Washington Post columnist Colman McCarthy wrote in 1986. “Instead, after 10 years of analyzing what 142 of the planet’s governments spend their citizens’ money on, she remains a clarifier. The field is small. Few are as skilled.”
Life on Planet Zuckerberg
- If you're one of two people left on your block getting a print
newspaper delivered, hold on dearly to a virtuous past. "For the first
time, 1 billion people visited Facebook in a single day on Monday. Mark
Zuckerberg and Chief Product Officer Chris Cox both posted celebratory
notes on Facebook (where else?)." (Slate)
It's got nearly 1.5 billion active monthly users, but this was a first.
By one bit of comparison, the number of folks who tuned into Fox, CNN
and MSNBC on Wednesday were 1.6 million, 660,000 and 485,000,
Google’s Project Sunroof shows your home’s solar potential for free Inhabitat. I don’t trust Google on this. Why should I tell Google that much about my house?
The Ketamine Cure: Is Ketamine the Best Hope for Curing Major Depression? Bloomberg
The 10 best countries to live abroad Business Insider

The Chef Shortage, Explained mathbabe