"A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, touches the heart and leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it. It is, in a word, effective."
Last night the tastiest dinner was served in the exclusive Polish kitchen of Lidka C ... Christof served the best French cognac which complimented the Slavic Gnochis with fermented fennel and avocado salads - the perfect combination that accompanied the delicious lamb and pork. Memories of Mamka's cooking were in the air ;-)
Regrettably, it is no longer every Saturday that we indulge in wild wild polish Party, now we tend to peacefully go through holiday images of Paris, Warsaw, Gdansk as well as Stetin and Stetinek ;-)
Images like Words are important. Their history. The weight of centuries of connotations built into their very structure like fossils. I have known Christopher for over three decades and we have not exchanged one crossed word … Do we see some memoir as short vignettes, like a mosaic, that make up the total; sort of like an impressionist painting? Or as everything related?
Stories took us to that surreal world prior to the collapse of The Iron Curtain as Gdansk changed so much ... The kids who came from the communist Poland have changed some of the fashion landscapes in Sydney as all those memories matched nicely Lidka's Goddaughter Yvona's fashion shots in the latest catalogue for DJ. Yvona the Icon of Polish cheekbones makes her mum and godmother rather proud ... ;-)
Yvonne: Slavic Six foot two Beauty
With her porcelain beauty and self-awareness, Y could make even the simplest of fashions look effortlessly glamorous. David Jones and Polish Charm of Yvona ...