The beautiful ancient house discovered in the ashes BBC
So photos of meals on Instagram are nothing but food porn? Let's not be so cynical. What if those pictures are a new incarnation of an ancient instinct: prayer? more prayer
There will never be another Ross Perot The Week. UserFriendly: “I remember being in 3rd or 4th grade and my teacher (Mr. Dick Handling, I couldn’t make that up if I tried) had us ask our parents who they were voting for and we had an anonymous ballot and he got very upset that someone (me) had put Perot because everyone knew 3rd parties were wasting your vote.”
Large earthquakes rock Indonesia, Western Australia Australia

If You Flew Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ Private Jet—the Feds Want to Talk to You Bloomberg
A regular collection of links to writings and broadcasts in other media Continue reading
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SUSAN CHENERY. A Repost: The Scribe: portrait of Graham Freudenberg, author of the speech that changed Australia (The Guardian 9 October 2018))
Legendary Labor speechwriter Graham Freudenberg was at the centre of power for more than 40 years. A new film sheds light on the man who wrote the script.
(This outstanding documentary will be telecast on the ABC on Sunday night July 14 ,2019 at 9.35 John Menadue)
Literary faith from Dostoevsky to Marilynne Robinson: A review of Richard Harries.
The former bishop of Oxford in the Church of England has written a compilation of engagements with literary figures from Fyodor Dostoevsky to Marilynne Robinson, and every single chapter seems fresh and inviting. I learned about authors of whom I had never heard, and I learned new things about authors I’ve read backward and forward.
Paul Davis On Crime: My Washington Times Review Of 'Gray Day: My Undercover Mission To Expose America's First Cyber Spy'
Billions of Air Pollution Particles Found in Hearts of City Dwellers Guardian