As the gods gave it to you.
If the gods wanted to give you something else
They’d have done it.
If there are other matters and other worlds
There are.”
― The Collected Poems of Alberto Caeiro
ONE WOULD NEED A HEART OF STONE NOT TO LAUGH: Liberals are eating their friends as well as their enemies. LBJ: “You know the difference between cannibals and liberals? Cannibals eat only their enemies.”
Time to out lobbyists who fly under the radar
The Sydney Morning Herald
Wests Tigers not going anywhere, says new chairman O'Farrell
Wests Tigers not going anywhere, says new chairman O'Farrell
The Sydney Morning Herald
Taxpayer dollars, secretive deals and the lucrative business of water.
"It's a national scandal." Water economist
Wife of Australian writer Yang Hengjun held in China interrogated and banned from flying home - Our ABC News
The Guardian
The Sydney Morning Herald -
The New York Times
ATO flooded with early tax returns
Cash-strapped families are inundating the Australian Tax Office with early tax ... what it's been in previous years,” Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukkar said.
ATO working overtime as 650000 people rush to get $1080 tax offset
Australians race to lodge tax returns after cuts promised
Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukkar said today millions were eager to receive their tax cuts with the number of returns already submitted to the ATO exceeding ...
and work: an Oxymoron?
McKinsey, July 2019. This interview a with a ‘happiness researcher’ shares some surprising results on connecting well-being, mental health, and how employers can play a role in improving employee lives at work.
McKinsey, July 2019. This interview a with a ‘happiness researcher’ shares some surprising results on connecting well-being, mental health, and how employers can play a role in improving employee lives at work.
Cortez, Nathan, Information Mischief Under the Trump Administration (May 21, 2019). Chicago-Kent Law Review, Vol. 94, No. 2, 2019; SMU Dedman School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 418. Available at SSRN:
“The Trump administration has used government information in more cynical ways than its predecessors. For example, it has removed certain information from the public domain, scrubbed certain terminology from government web sites, censored scientists, manipulated public data, and used “transparency” initiatives as a pretext for anti-regulatory policies, particularly environmental policy.