— Reinhold Niebuhr, born in 1892
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I Am An Old Soul. "I crave the simpler things: the real intimacy of chatting on AIM."
But I think to remember Whitlam we have to look at the colour of the person, the wit of the person. Whitlam in describing himself said, "I travel economy and I am a great man. I could travel economy for the rest of my life and I would still be a great man. But most of the people around this table" - and that was the cabinet - "are pissants, and they could travel first class for the rest of their life and they would still be pissants."
How Much Free Time Do We Have? Erik Rood – “I made a quick tool (for no real reason) to calculate and visualize ‘free time’ based on the selection of criteria shown below. Replace my responses with yours, and hit ‘run’ to see how much free time you have. This helps put into perspective sensitivity to things like working hours, commute, etc and how those factors stack up into a big time sink over long periods…”
Topol said he was so interested in how the gut microbiome—the ecosystem of microorganisms that live in the human digestive system—impacts health that he signed up for a study with the Weizmann Institute of Science to spend a week measuring his own body’s response to food. What he found shocked him: Oatmeal was spiking his glucose to potentially dangerous levels, but bratwurst was rated as an A-plus food for him.
But note that after this, he’s still a science-denier. “‘Is it gonna change my whole nutritional plan? No,’ said Topol, who, as a cardiologist, indicated a reticence to eat a bunch of sausage.”
FIRST COMES SEX, THEN COMES LOVE: Should We All Take the Slow Road to Love? The anthropologist Helen Fisher has some advice for dating and marriage — and, for a change, some good news about millennials.
Why Have Book Festivals Become Such A Hot Ticket?
It’s hard not to see the increased popularity of all these events, alongside the rise in physical book sales and the modest resurgence of vinyl, as part of a new preference for the tangible over the virtual. – Irish Times
How Secret Languages Arise And Thrive In Prisons
“Prison language, or language created by inmates while incarcerated, has a long and vivid history, and is likely as old as the modern prison itself.” Says linguist Julie Colman, “It’s quite a fertile place for a language to develop. You’ve got a literally captive audience and a very dense social network.” – Canvas

As a long-time fan of BERG’s Here & There projection map of Manhattan (and Inception), these bendy photos of European cityscapes by Lestnica are right up my alley (which is now above my head har har). See also Aydın Büyüktaş’sFlatland photos. (via colossal)