↩︎ The Los Angeles Times
There’s a Type of Black Hole That Erases Your Past And Messes With Your Future Science Alert Original. Make up your own destiny ...
Since Rousseau, at least, we've told ourselves a story about the shape and direction of human history. Big problem: It isn't true The Other
Like the character Mopsa in The Winter’s Tale, who crooned: “I love a ballad in print, alife, for then we are sure they are true.” Mopsa today would implicitly trust the big-ticket newspaper and TV networks.
As We have observed before, you don’t get Hitler (or Stalin or Latitude mafia) because of Hitler — there are always potential Hitlers hanging around. You get Hitler because of Weimar, and you get Weimar because the people in charge of maintaining liberal democracy are too weak and corrupt to do the job.
Media Dragon: State of Disuniom (sic): God's Plan for MEdia Dragons and Babylon Berlin
To deal with this breakdown between the rule-based Universe as we know it and these 'here be dragons' parts of black holes, physicists apply a little thing called cosmic censorship
What an Indian tiger’s bid for freedom says about humans and nature The EconomistThere’s a Type of Black Hole That Erases Your Past And Messes With Your Future Science Alert Original. Make up your own destiny ...
Since Rousseau, at least, we've told ourselves a story about the shape and direction of human history. Big problem: It isn't true The Other
Like the character Mopsa in The Winter’s Tale, who crooned: “I love a ballad in print, alife, for then we are sure they are true.” Mopsa today would implicitly trust the big-ticket newspaper and TV networks.
As We have observed before, you don’t get Hitler (or Stalin or Latitude mafia) because of Hitler — there are always potential Hitlers hanging around. You get Hitler because of Weimar, and you get Weimar because the people in charge of maintaining liberal democracy are too weak and corrupt to do the job.
Media Dragon: State of Disuniom (sic): God's Plan for MEdia Dragons and Babylon Berlin
Babylon Berlin is reportedly the most expensive German TV series ever produced, and it will be shown in the US on Netflix starting in a few weeks; see also the official show site.
The series is based on a book series by Volker Kutscher -- which was amazingly first picked up in English by Scottish publisher Sandstone Press (see their publicity page) -- with Picador now bringing out a US edition (see their publicity page) to coïncide with the US-airing of the show; get your copy at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk.
At Deutsche Welle Siobhán Dowling now reports on How a Highlands publisher has hit the big time with 'Babylon Berlin'. Noteworthy also the necessary reliance on translation grants, including from the Goethe Institut, after being featuredin New Books in German (and, yes, it probably helped -- a lot -- that they did not stick to the original title ('The Wet Fish' !).)
(See also previous coverage in, for example, The Herald, where Karin Goodwin wrote From Deutschland to Dingwall: how a small Scottish publisher is riding high with Babylon Berlin last month.)

Havel was particularly affronted by the arrest of Plastic People of the Universe, a Czechoslovakian rock band that had taken its name from a song by the American singer Frank Zappa
How a Revolutionary Czech Rock Band Inspired Vaclav Havel - Rolling Stone
Frank Zappa Last Performance (Prague 1991)
Obituary: Vaclav Havel
The series is based on a book series by Volker Kutscher -- which was amazingly first picked up in English by Scottish publisher Sandstone Press (see their publicity page) -- with Picador now bringing out a US edition (see their publicity page) to coïncide with the US-airing of the show; get your copy at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk.
At Deutsche Welle Siobhán Dowling now reports on How a Highlands publisher has hit the big time with 'Babylon Berlin'. Noteworthy also the necessary reliance on translation grants, including from the Goethe Institut, after being featuredin New Books in German (and, yes, it probably helped -- a lot -- that they did not stick to the original title ('The Wet Fish' !).)
(See also previous coverage in, for example, The Herald, where Karin Goodwin wrote From Deutschland to Dingwall: how a small Scottish publisher is riding high with Babylon Berlin last month.)
Havel letter criticises President Putin for undermining democracy

Havel was particularly affronted by the arrest of Plastic People of the Universe, a Czechoslovakian rock band that had taken its name from a song by the American singer Frank Zappa
Vaclav Havel Was Torn Between Socialism and Freedom
(Vaclav and Zappa tweet from FROM THE ANNALS OF CREATIVE HUMBLEBRAGGING: Zimbabwe Health Minister: Chinese Condoms Too Small for Zimbabwean Men)
(Vaclav and Zappa tweet from FROM THE ANNALS OF CREATIVE HUMBLEBRAGGING: Zimbabwe Health Minister: Chinese Condoms Too Small for Zimbabwean Men)
Frank Zappa's connections to MEdia Dragons and Prague
Frank Zappa Last Performance (Prague 1991)

Frank Zappa’s We’re Only In It For The Money Is The ’60s Psych Satire That Became A ’60s Psych Classic
Obituary: Vaclav Havel