"If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story." — Orson Welles
“Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.” – The Princess Bride
18-year-old Steve Jobs' job application sells for more than $170000
Before Steve Jobs co-founded the most successful technology company of all time, he applied for jobs like the rest of us. And, as it turns out, and like Jozef Imrich he was quite awful at it....
The MEdia Dragon like Steve Jobs encouraged each of us to ‘Think Different'
*2005 commencement speech at Stanford University

"Most people will draw a man. Researchers investigate the consequences.” (New York Times)
On occasions we have had to order
food in at night when the House has shut down. It is a case of all hands to
the deck. I am not too useful with word processing machines and I drew the job
of washing up. It was very much a co-operative effort and the outcome has been
tremendous. I mention also Paul Guilfoyle and the printing staff special crew
who came in at 3 a.m. Monday morning to print this report. I thank them for
their help and the resulting product How Many Chairmen or CEOs would these days serve a drink or wash dishes for their workers as Andrew or even Michael D'Ascenzo did ...