By José Antonio Ocampo: ‘… it is past time that the United Nations took up this issue. Only a truly global cooperative effort can fix a broken system and end the destructive race to the bottom on taxes’
The Real Wolves of Wall Street: The banks, lawyers and auditors at the heart of Malaysia’s biggest corruption scandal Global Witness
See also: UK banking authority urged to act over $4.5 billion ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ corruption scandal, US Treasury urged to close glaring lawyer loophole used in $4.5 billion ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ corruption scandal, and Switzerland faces law change call to return 1MDB profits to Malaysia Reuters
Eric C. Chaffee (Toledo) & Karie Davis-Nozemack (Georgia Tech), Corporate Tax Avoidance and Honoring the Fiduciary Duties Owed to Corporation and Its Stockholders, 58 B.C. L. Rev. 1425 (2017):
Corporate tax avoidance is a pressing issue of both national and international concern. In recent years, the tax strategies of Apple, Facebook, Pfizer, Starbucks, and numerous other corporations have reminded the public that firms regularly undertake highly aggressive tax strategies to minimize their corporate taxes. Corporations often claim that they are legally required to engage in these aggressive strategies. But this article proves that claim is utterly and completely incorrect when based upon the fiduciary duties owed to the corporation and its stockholders.

Court orders sale of Roberta Williams' Essendon home
THE people you ring for answers about the tax system earn less than burger flippers at McDonald's. These call-centre workers — ultimately employed by a US company under a $100 million-plus outsourcing deal — gross as little as $20 an hour. What's more they claim their employer does not pay weekend penalties ...
'I'd be better off working at a fish and chip shop': Australian Tax Office
Australian Taxation Office call centre staff get paid small fries
The union representing directly employed tax office workers asserts the call-centre staff would earn half as much again — more than $30 an hour — if they were in-house. It also alleges that under the deal with the ATO, Stellar would likely be receiving about $50 an hour for each outsourced worker.

O'Dwyer unchains tax office bullies
Commission welcomes adoption of far-reaching new transparency rules for tax advisers in the EU European Commission – Press release
See also: Success for Tax Justice: Europe creates transparency for enablers of international tax avoidance Sven Giegold
Israel is ‘one of the world’s most generous tax havens,’ complains tax chief The Times of Israel
“We don’t need to be a global tax haven; in the end it will hurt Israel”
MTN named among companies draining the coffers of other African nations including Uganda Newz Post
Australia: ‘Staggering’: $90 billion lost in resources tax The Sydney Morning Herald
Exporting corruption: Beyond Brazil’s Car Wash scandal Al Jazeera
‘How a money laundering investigation in Brazil turned into a far-reaching corruption case that continues to send shock waves across Latin America’
Panama Papers help South Africa disclosure scheme hit ZAR3.3bn International Adviser
Europe cracks down on luxury yacht tax dodge, citing Paradise Papers ICIJ
Liechtenstein: The mysterious tax haven that’s losing the trust of the super-rich The Independent
Luxembourg blasts rate of corporation tax in Ireland Irish Examiner
‘Ireland’s low tax rates for companies were the subject of criticism from the Luxembourg prime minister who demanded “fair competition” within the EU.’
Apple’s Irish Tax Billions Said Guarded by Bank of New York Bloomberg
#GuptaLeaks: The high altitude hijack amaBhungane Centre for Investigative Journalism
EU-Parliament: Brexit must become an exit from British tax dumping Sven Giegold
Should Britain’s crackdown on dirty money worry Russian oligarchs? Newsweek
Finance Forces States to Focus on Short-Term Objectives video by Finance Watch
Roman Quaedvlieg... is it over yet? Sadly, no as the former ABF Commissioner, sacked by the Governor-General for "misbehaviour", is considering his options. Meanwhile the leaks continue, like today's revelation of 14,000 text messages.
As Verona Burgess noted, if he appeals or takes the government to court it could get uglier and more drawn out, and, of course, even more expensive