Reading Crime and Punishment today, we are reminded of the need to take willful self-destruction seriously. There is no rationale to human behavior. ... Cold River eBook: Jozef Imrich: Kindle Store
Crews proves to be a persuasive – if occasionally dry – guide, as he assesses the “influences” and the ways in which they have contributed to the evolution of McCarthy’s style and thought. The book takes its title from a comment McCarthy made to the New York Timesin 1992: “The ugly fact is books are made out of books . . . the novel depends for its life on the novels that have been written”. One could in turn point to Faulkner’s Paris Review interview of 1956: “An artist is . . . completely amoral in that he will rob, borrow, beg, or steal from anybody and everybody to get the work done . . . . The writer’s only responsibility is to his art. He will be completely ruthless if he is a good one”.
Madness and civilization | The influences and output of Cormac McCarthy - The TLS
The mysterious Cormac McCarthy. He’s intensely private about interviews and public appearances. But why, at 83, has he ventured into nonfiction? Be Afraid
In these relentlessly dark and riven times, I find myself beset by a near ravenous hunger for beauty. My spirit lurches at a line of Shakespeare orLouise Glück—“All fear gives way: the light / Looks after you … ” My eyes linger on the photographs of Nadav Kander, the paintings of Marlene Dumas, the sculptures of Sarah Sze. I reassure myself of the possibility of serenity by recalling Willa Cather’s masterpiece, Death Comes for the Archbishop, or by listening to the extraordinary voice of Hannah Reid, the vocalist of London Grammar. I long for that expansion of my soul.
Communing with art won’t make you money, burn calories, or help you network. It may, writes Claire Messud, help you find joy in the superfluous and glory in each day Time for Art is While You Are Alive
Sydney Writers' Festival 2018 - The University of Sydney
Goodbye Walsh Bay, hello Carriageworks. The Sydney Writers' Festival has found a new home. And it's about 5 minutes from the University of Sydney. From 30 April to 6 May, big international ...
Festival 2018 the Year of Power
Carmen Maria Machado: As a child I was drawn to what scared me

Festival 2018 the Year of Power
Carmen Maria Machado: As a child I was drawn to what scared me

Sydney Writers' Festival reveals its line-up for 2018
'Power of the MEdia Dragons' ;-) is the theme of this year's Sydney Writers' Festival, which features 60 international guests running the gamut of popular culture from 'BBC Dad' (upstaged by his family while talking Korean politics) to the co-hosts of New York Times culture podcast Still Processing. The 21st birthday is significant
This Year's Sydney Writers' Festival Line-Up is Here (and It's Big as in petabytes )
Take the advice of Min Jin Lee, the Korean author of Pachinko (which was included in the New York Times Book Review's 10 Best Books of 2017), and visit this year's Sydney Writers' Festival. Some of the world's top literary heroes (including 300 locals) and commentators will gather at Carriageworks this ...

Sydney Writers Festival Program Launch | Black Inc
Sydney Writers' Fest (@SydWritersFest) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Sydney Writers' Fest (@SydWritersFest). Australia's largest celebration of literature, stories & ideas 30 Apr – 6 May 2018 #sydneywritersfestival. Sydney.