Nurses reveal the last words people say before they die
Sad to hear that Philip Kerr (1956-2018), best known for his many Bernie Gunther novels, has passed away; see, for example, Hannah Summers' report in The Guardian
While I read the first, best, Gunther novels -- that first trilogy -- as well as favorites such as A Philosophical Investigation (and duds like Dead Meat and The Grid) before I started the site, several of his works are under review at thecomplete review:
I did foresee that we’d get something like an OutKast—rap that could sell millions and still feel not pop. But now we’re in a stage where rap isn’t separate from pop, which is amazing.
MORE EXPENSIVE, HARDER TO SCHEDULE BUT LESS LIKELY TO MAKE YOU A BORE: Going to a concert is better for you than yoga: study
The oldest licensed music venue in Sydney, The Basement, will close its doors in less than a week. But the building owner denies claims the space will be converted into offices

The Wonder Down Under sets out to challenge popular myths about the vagina, starting with the gnarliest and possibly deadliest of all: the misguided belief that the state of a women's hymen is proof of her virginity.Books to help you love your body
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In a brutal open letter, Jewish leaders accuse Labour's Jeremy Corbyn of anti-Semitism
NSW Government to review digital asset laws as data after death becomes more important