— John Jay Chapman, born in 1862

“One morning when we were still in rehearsals, Laughton said, ‘James, I’d like you to come up to the house and lunch with me.’
“I was sure he was going to can me, because I knew I wasn’t very good.
“After lunch, he said, ‘James, do you know what your problem is?’
“‘No, sir, I don’t.’
“‘You’re afraid to be bad, and therefore you don’t do anything. You stay in the middle of the road. You’re not dull, but you aren’t interesting, either.’
~James Garner and Jon Winokur, The Garner Files: A Memoir (Garner played the part of Maryk in a 1955 road-show production of The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial, directed by Laughton)
Jamie Norton will now have responsibility for protecting the systems and integrity of data at one of Australia's largest public sector agencies.
ATO steals NEC cyber chief - norton -surnames derived from points of the compass
A former KPMG executive has been appointed assistant commissioner for self-managed super funds at the Australian Tax Office. ifa sister title SMSF Adviser has reported that Dana Fleming has been named in the role following the departure of Kasey Macfarlane to another senior role at the taxman. ATO names new SMSF official
ATO steals NEC cyber chief - norton -surnames derived from points of the compass
A former KPMG executive has been appointed assistant commissioner for self-managed super funds at the Australian Tax Office. ifa sister title SMSF Adviser has reported that Dana Fleming has been named in the role following the departure of Kasey Macfarlane to another senior role at the taxman. ATO names new SMSF official
Is Amazon Too Big to Tax? New Republic
NEWS YOU CAN USE The IRS is looking for these red flags this tax season
Wells Fargo reveals it overcharged wealth management clients
Wells Fargo reveals it overcharged wealth management clients
Even McKinsey Gets It: High Wages Improve Economic Performance
McKinsey is turning on neoliberal orthodoxy by advocating high employment, high wage, high demand policies.
Commuters slam Transport for NSW's travel hacks campaign
Commuters slam Transport for NSW's travel hacks campaign
Election NSW 2019: $7bn pledge for Badgerys Creek airport rail link to Sydney's west
The federal and New South Wales governments will jointly fund a $7bn north-south rail link to connect Badgerys Creek airport to Sydney's rail network at St Marys, Malcolm Turnbull and Gladys Berejiklian have announced. The rail link is part of the western Sydney city deal unveiled by the two Coalition ...
Michael West: Foxtell cable television on tax matters
Patrick Delany has won the race for the top job at the soon to be combined Foxtel and Fox Sports.
MIT Study: Median Uber and Lyft Profits Less Than Half Minimum Wage; 30% of Drivers Lose Money
Yes, it is now official: you really are engaged in exploitation when you use Uber or Lyft.
A classic example of a financial bubble is the Dutch tulip craze of the 1630s, but the story’s always told wrong.

"He's now president for life, president for life. And he's great," Mr Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump's remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida aired by CNN.
The More We Know, the More Mystery There Is - Scientific American Blog Network
We know that many latitudionals and other Bear Pit Characters regard reading of memoirs of nobodies such as 'Cold River' as inexcusable low-brow wallowing which ought to be avoided in favor of spending precious time with more worthwhile literary fiction ...
Episode 258 – Willard Spiegelman – The Virtual Memories Show
We know that many latitudionals and other Bear Pit Characters regard reading of memoirs of nobodies such as 'Cold River' as inexcusable low-brow wallowing which ought to be avoided in favor of spending precious time with more worthwhile literary fiction ...
Episode 258 – Willard Spiegelman – The Virtual Memories Show
“It shook me to the core, but I knew he was right. I didn’t care if the audience liked me, I just didn’t want them to dislike me, and so I underplayed everything. I didn’t want to do anything that might alienate them. As a result, I was mediocre.”
“When you review old pieces, you have a double-sided response: On the one hand, it’s ‘Gosh, how was I so smart? How could I write such a beautiful sentence?’ On the other hand, it’s ‘Gosh, what a piece of crap! How I could I be so banal, so jejune, so ignorant?’ The combination of legitimate pride and legitimate embarrassment is a standard one.”
Vanity Fair – Hive: “The Newsroom Feels Embarrassed”: Backfires and Explosions at The New York Times as a Possible Future Chief Re-Invents the Paper’s Opinion Pages – “A yoga-pants refusenik, a climate-science skeptic, and a tech writer with a neo-Nazi pal, among other offenders, have put James Bennet in the crosshairs.”
“Leading the country’s most closely observed Opinion page is an unfathomably complex job, largely because of two interrelated factors: the outrage culture of the Internet in general, and Donald Trump in particular. For the Times, this conundrum often reduces to the question of how hospitable the op-eds should be to illiberal and sometimes unscientific positions—where do facts end and values begin? For many Times readers—and many scientists, for that matter—questioning the science of global warming is not different in kind than, say, not ruling out the possibility that the world may be flat. And many Times readers believe, with some justification, that only one of the political parties is truly a full citizen of the reality-based community. What is the responsibility to provide equal time in such circumstances? These are not at all simple lines to draw.