IN THE MAIL: Younger Next Year: Live Strong, Fit, and Sexy – Until You’re 80 and Beyond
You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching ...
You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching ...
You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams
A soulmate is someone who knows all about you and still loves you

Christopher Plummer portrays Nabokov teaching in a 1989 re-creation of late-1940s Cornell University

There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved ...
Calling out one day each year to honor a huge group of people, in each town and city in every country around the world, may be a paradigm ready for amendment. We know of countless women whose work, intellect, courage, artistry, faith, inventions, creations, characters, lyrics, poems, speeches, ground breaking achievements, and the list goes on, have impacted all of our lives, irrespective of our acknowledgement or tribute. So, each day, let us all reach out to women we do know, and thank them, in some way. This is not a task, it is not difficult – it a part of what so many women, thankfully, just do. This is in fact an act of daily celebration – even if it is quiet and unheralded, that continues to connect each of us to all those who have come before us, and those who are here with us now – leading change, envisioning tomorrow, and giving us the gift of their strength, integrity, character – and not least of all – hope that every day a little girl somewhere will see a “queen,” and then actually meet her – all lives, forever changed and enriched.
- Gallup – “Women make up half the planet, but many of them have no voice. We’re listening. Today. And always. In fact, over the past decade, we’ve talked to more than 1 million women worldwide about their daily lives — and their hopes for themselves, their families and their world. We plan to keep listening and find out if their hopes become reality.” Read Their Stories
- The full history of women’s leadership hasn’t been told
- A short documentary – 50/50 – Women and Power Directed By Tiffany Shlain | Shatterbox Anthology | Refinery29
- Publishers rejected her, Christians attacked her: The deep faith of ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ author Madeleine L’Engle
- Who Run the World? Famous Female Foresters

*Malchkeon's Style: Restoration Hardware Should Rest On Its Laurels
In a 1995 interview found shortly after his death in 2011, Steve Jobs, who had not yet returned to lead Apple from near bankruptcy to become the most valuable company in the world, was asked, “What is the difference between Apple and Microsoft, and how do you know what’s the right direction?” He pondered for a moment, looked up and said, “Ultimately, it comes down to taste.” ( The meaning of Steve Jobs' signature)
“It comes down to exposing yourself to the best things humans have done, and then incorporating those things into what you are doing. The way we’re going to ratchet up our species is to take the best and spread it around, so everyone grows up with better things, and begins to understand the subtleties.”
We at RH subscribe to Steve’s notion of taste, and spend our days curating the very best people, products, ideas and inspiration from around the world. We then carefully integrate each into a composition that renders them more, rather than less, valuable, where the whole becomes greater than the sum of the parts.
From our handcrafted Split Bamboo Collection featured on the cover by John Birch of the famed Wyeth, in New York City (Ancient Origins), to the stunning Geode Quartz Crystal Chandelier by Timothy Oulton, London (A Natural Wonder). From the Thaddeus Forged Iron Tables by Julie Lawrence, Virginia (Forged by Fire), to the glowing Wright Forged Iron Collection by Ian K. Fowler, Chicago (The Craft of the Blacksmith). From our Cactus Silk Pillows woven by villagers in the Atlas Mountains of North Africa (Ancient Moroccan Motifs) to the modern Machinist Pendants by Jonathan Browning, San Francisco (Precision Perfected). We believe each of these new collections, and the many others across the pages of our new 2017 Interiors Source Book, are a reflection of some of the most original thinkers and inspiring designers in our industry today.
There is no denying we are living in a world of more; more websites, more products, more promotions, more confusion, and more chaos. All of which leads to less; less clarity, less quality, less confidence, less time, and, we would argue, less taste. We believe taste lies in the ability to remove what is unnecessary so you can appreciate what is. It’s a process, which my friend Colin Cowie calls “ruthless editing,” and it takes, as Steve Jobs said, “Saying no to a thousand things.”
As you peruse these pages, we hope you will appreciate our efforts to ruthlessly edit, say no to a thousand things, and expose you to what we believe are the very best things humans are creating. We also hope by doing so we, too, ratchet up our species.
What’s the difference between RH and the hundreds of websites presenting an endless array of unedited choices, and how do we know what’s the right direction?
As the late, great, Steve Jobs said, “Ultimately, it comes down to taste.”
We hope you enjoy ours.
Carpe Diem,
Gary Friedman