Like you’re reading a zine from 1990 laid out in WordPerfect:
O bliss! Naked bliss! I have seen the birth of life; I have seen the beginning of motion. The blood beats so strongly in my veins that it seems about to burst them. I feel a longing to fly, to swim, the bark, to bellow, to howl. I would like to have wings, a tortoise shell, a rind, to blow out smoke, to wear a trunk, to twist my body, to spread myself everywhere, to be in everything, to emanate with odors, to grow like plants, to flow like water…to penetrate every atom, to descend to the very depths of matter—to be matter
“I know a mind virus when I see it.” Paul Ford on cryptocurrency and Silicon Valley’s love for making markets Bitcoins Market
Your entire ID is worth £820 to crooks on dark web black market
Fullz and their money are soon parted
FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM AND TWITTER HURT MOST: Millennials are starting to hate social media, too

THE MAN WHO INVENTED THE WEB: We need a ‘legal or regulatory framework’ to save the Web from dominant tech platforms.
The British computer scientist issued an open letter today, 29 years to the day after he first proposed his idea for the online information management system that would later become known as the Web. In the letter, he outlined what he thinks we need to do to save the Web from the concentration of power of a “few dominant platforms” that has “made it possible to weaponize the Web at scale.”The likes of Facebook, Google, and Twitter have faced increasing scrutiny over the roles they play in disseminating fake news — while also serving as easy vehicles for third parties, including foreign governments, to manipulate public opinion.“The Web that many connected to years ago is not what new users will find today,” Berners-Lee noted. “What was once a rich selection of blogs and websites has been compressed under the powerful weight of a few dominant platforms. This concentration of power creates a new set of gatekeepers, allowing a handful of platforms to control which ideas and opinions are seen and shared.”
In the meantime, keep getting your news from friendly bloggers instead of from soulless algorithms developed by gazillion-dollar tech giants.
THIS MAKES EVOLUTIONARY SENSE: Study: Babies who look like dad likely to get more attention, be healthier
GANGSTER GOVERNMENT (UPDATE): The long, terrifying history of Russian dissidents being poisoned abroad
How to tell if your child is a future psychopath. People who think children are born anything but little balls of Id waiting to be turned into humans do a lot of evil in the world.
How to tell if your child is a future psychopath. People who think children are born anything but little balls of Id waiting to be turned into humans do a lot of evil in the world.
The New ID Theft: Millions of Credit Applicants Who Don’t Exist Wall Street Journal. I have no sympathy for these lenders. Giving out credit is a risky business, and if you don’t take precautions, it’s no different than leaving a safe unlocked and being surprised when you are robbed. This quote illustrates what happens when you give efficiency priority over safety and security:“When you see this type of scheme,” said Samir Kaushal, the assistant U.S. attorney who prosecuted Mr. Lyles, at a hearing, “one realizes how precarious our system actually is.”
Yale Environment 360: “Summers in the city can be extremely hot — several degrees hotter than in the surrounding countryside. But recent research indicates that it may not have to be that way. The systematic replacement of dark surfaces with white could lower heat wave maximum temperatures by 2 degrees Celsius or more. And with climate change and continued urbanization set to intensify “urban heat islands,” the case for such aggressive local geoengineering to maintain our cool grows.

MoviePass CEO proudly says the app tracks your location before and after movies TechCrunch (Chuck L)Upgraded Deep Voice can mimic any voice in mere seconds TechXplore (Robert M) :-(