Daily Telegraph - 16 Jan. 2018
Putin family used Estonian bank for money laundering: report
AUSTRALIAN POLITICIANS of a certain age were brought up watching the British political comedyYes Minister on the ABC.
AUSTRALIAN POLITICIANS of a certain age were brought up watching the British political comedyYes Minister on the ABC.
Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised, then, that they so often seem to be acting out one of its scripts.
Who can forget the episode in which government minister Jim Hacker and his chief bureaucrat, Sir Humphrey, pressured and intimidated the BBC into suppressing a story the honourable Jim found to be an embarrassment?
In the episode, the BBC’s director of planning did exactly as he was told, all the while maintaining that “the BBC couldn’t possibly give in to government pressure”.
'Yes, Minister': Alberici, Morrison and the Turnbull tax comedy - Independent Australia
Wages have collapsed Malcolm Turnbull. Not necessarily for anything he has done or not done, but fixing it and...Read more
Loneliest tree in the world serves as a perfect record of how humans have permanently altered Earth International Business Times
Melting Greenland ice will release chemical and some radioactive nasties from an old US Cold War base. Expect more of this sort of thing
In United States v. Martin, 2018 U.S. App. LEXIS 2526 (3d Cir. 2018) (nonprecedential), here, the Court of Appeals affirmed the district court's order enforcing an IRS administrative summons issued to a lawyer in a collection action to discover his income and assets. The Court said that the scope of the summons was:
Specifically, it sought to verify the income Servin generated through his law practice. The summonses requested two categories of information: (1) Servin's current client list, including the names and addresses of each client; and (2) a list of his cases that will be settling or have settled within a specified time period, including the parties' names and addresses. In response to the summonses, Servin appeared, but refused to disclose the requested information.
The district court ordered compliance, but limited the compliance to "only those cases that have settled, not cases that may settle[.]" Martin then appealed. There is no indication that the court held him in contempt for noncompliance with the order but that is the usual way that a summons enforcement order gets to the court of appeals. In any event, the court rejected Martin's claim of attorney-client privilege and attorney-client confidentiality. Earlier this month, Congress amended the mandatory minimum tax Whistleblower award program to make clear that proceeds for purposes of the award base includes non Title 26 collections for fines, forfeitures and reporting violations (such as FBAR penalties). See § 41108 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, P.L. 115-123, here. The change is effected by using the term "proceeds" rather than "collected proceeds and adding § 7623(c) to provide as follows.