"I think we ought to read only the kind of books that wound or stab us. If the book we’re reading doesn’t wake us up with a blow to the head, what are we reading for? So that it will make us happy, as you write? Good Lord, we would be happy precisely if we had no books, and the kind of books that make us happy are the kind we could write ourselves if we had to. But we need books that affect us like a disaster, that grieve us deeply, like the death of someone we loved more than ourselves, like being banished into forests far from everyone, like a suicide. A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us. That is my belief." – ~ Franz Kafka
Tim Berners-Lee – It’s dangerous having a handful of companies control how ideas and opinions are shared. A regulator may be needed. “Today [March 12, 2018], the world wide web turns 29. This year marks a milestone in the web’s history: for the first time, we will cross the tipping point when more than half of the world’s population will be online. When I share this exciting news with people, I tend to get one of two concerned reactions:
Tim Berners-Lee – It’s dangerous having a handful of companies control how ideas and opinions are shared. A regulator may be needed. “Today [March 12, 2018], the world wide web turns 29. This year marks a milestone in the web’s history: for the first time, we will cross the tipping point when more than half of the world’s population will be online. When I share this exciting news with people, I tend to get one of two concerned reactions:
- How do we get the other half of the world connected?
- Are we sure the rest of the world wants to connect to the web we have today?
The Age of Travesties | City Journal
Leading universities have turned themselves into hybrids of Mr. Rogers’ neighborhood and Mao’s Red Guards. They have become madrassas of identity politics, given over to dogmatism, indoctrination, the coddling of grievance, and the encouragement and manipulation of neurotic youthful insecurities for the purpose of consolidating political power. The effects of travesties being committed on American campuses, where the mind of the hard Left is embedded in faculties, administrations, and boards of overseers, will be felt for generations. The damage may be irreparable.
Librarian-turned-journalist rises; she ‘helped us be this giant scoop factory’
Once again Poynter is highlighting the critical, outstanding and timely work of librarians who have seamlessly transitioned to full time news researchers/journalists. This is not actually a new phenomenon(from the Greek to shine – and yes they do) – rather, there is after too many years wait, an epiphany of sortsrecognizing the work of ourcolleagues, our friends, our mentors, our role models. [h/t Barclay Walsh]
“Earlier in this decade, Brandy Zadrozny had been happy in Vermont, baking pies, cross-country skiing, working at the Burlington Public Library, handling the reference desk at Champlain College. That is until she wasn’t. And journalism is grateful. Over the past year, she’s been getting noticed for research and reporting on Russia’s Internet Research Agency, uncovering the secret life of a pro-Trump,white nationalist school shooter and digging deep into Vice Media’s rampant culture of sexual harassment. She’s also made frequent appearances on CNN or MSNBC explaining those stories. On Friday, the librarian-turned-senior researcher and writer announced she was leaving The Daily Beast after five years and moving to NBC News as a national reporter. Zadrozny’s move to NBC — along with The Daily Beast’s senior news editor, tech reporter (and frequent reporting partner) Ben Collins — will allow her to break stories for a broader audience, at a medium where the White House is compelled to respond. In a fractious year for democracy, Zadrozny is one of several news librarians and researchers who have made the difference on big stories. Those include the domestic abuse allegations against (now-departed) senior White House aide Rob Porter and the pervy courting and sexual harassment of teens by Alabama lawyer and later GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore…”
When are bloggers journalists?
Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - 11:03 AM
Some journalists won't entertain the idea of bloggers stepping on their turf, and some bloggers say they don't wish to be tainted with the label "journalist". But the two clearly overlap, so when are bloggers journalists?
The ABC's Media Watch has recently given theblogger v journalist debate an airing. Media Watch is of the opinion that bloggers are not journalists, and some bloggers have strong opinions about it too.
At The Age's Media Blog I feel caught in the middle. I love journalism and I know blogging offers an ideal format for some aspects of the craft. So I want to ask: Are Australian bloggers doing journalism? If so, who?
I believe the answer is a qualified yes, and there are some examples of who fits the bill at the foot of this post.
Journalism is not simply one thing. It seems to me that the people who have the strongest opinions about this, who firmly believe bloggers are not journalists, have quite narrow views on what journalism actually is.
They accuse bloggers of merely writing their opinions. Many do, but then opeds are a staple of all modern newspapers. Where would newspapers be without opinion and analysis - something (some) bloggers are very good at? It's journalism.

They accuse bloggers of making stuff up. Some do, and I wouldn't call them journalists. But let's not forget that so-called journalists sometimes make stuff up too.
Bloggers are most often accused of not reporting but simply repeating stories. This is largely true (thoughnot always). But it's also true of many newspapers and radio stations. Count the number of AAP, AP, AFP, Reuters or other syndicated news stories in any newspaper. What's really the difference between publishing wire stories and relaying news reports via a blog?
However, blogs do occasionally cover news events, and when they do they can provide a unique perspective. Bloggers played an important role in reporting the Boxing Day tsunami. As you would expect they tended not to report in the same way as the correspondents of major news organisation did, but their contributions were no less valid for being told in a more subjective way than traditional reporting.
This question of objectivity and subjectivity is central to the blogger versus journalist debate. Objectivity is a golden rule of traditional journalism. Every young reporter is taught to get the facts and leave their opinions out of the story, avoid bias at all costs. (It's ironic that the ABC gets criticised in some quarters for being biased or lacking credibility, and then Media Watch declares that bloggers aren't journalists because they are biased and lack credibility ...)
But opinion and colour are the lifeblood of blogs. And, I'd argue, the same is true of commercial television and radio news.
So now we start to get to another important question in the blogger v journalist debate. What sort of journalism are we actually talking about?
The ABC editorial policy requires reporting to be ‘accurate and impartial according to the recognised standards of objective journalism’.
The Age, through its code of conduct, expects a similar approach. "The overriding principles are fairness, integrity, openness, responsibility and a commitment to accuracy and truth. Sustaining the highest editorial standards is essential to us retaining the trust of the community, and the freedoms and responsibilities afforded to us by the community."
This is not the same as tabloid journalism.
It's fair to say that some of the argument over whether bloggers are journalists is founded in the old tabloid versus broadsheet rivalry and the more recent rise of infotainment.
"There are a wide range of issues, from intellectual property to the complexities of the electoral system, where blogs provide a better source of information than either the mainstream media or established modes of academic publication."
John Quiggin
If that's the case then we can come back to the question of whether a blogger is a journalist and ask: Are they doing interesting, entertaining, valuable work? Are they reporting in a way that would fit an ABC or Fairfax style, or are they writing in a more tabloid way?
Another common criticism of bloggers is that anonymity or wacky pseudonyms undermines their credibility. I'm not really convinced by this argument. Journalists' bylines are a relatively recent trend. Transparency of process is the important thing. How believable is the work? Is the blogger writing for a particular audience? Are their political allegiances obvious?
Most commonly bloggers are a hub for news and views within communities of interest. They are often people with specialist technical or professional knowledge and a passion for communicating it. Reports from conferences, analyses of complex issues or interviews with experts in a particular field will be useful information to many. This is journalism.
The bottom line is that some bloggers are doing journalism - not all, but some. The real question is: how good is it?
This will be a subjective process, so I'm counting on you to let me know who else should be included on the list and why. But to get it started, here is a list of blogs - mostly academics and a couple of journalists, all with strongly expressed opinions. (Yes, I know they are mainly blokes and too many of them are called Tim) In different ways they are all doing journalism:
Margot Kingston - SMH's webdiarist has been blogging since 2000. No question of her journalistic credentials.
Tim Blair - The same goes for Blair. Probably Ozblogosphere's best known blogger and a regular sparring partner of Margot's. Researching and fact checking a speciality, Blair is also news editor at theBulletin.
Tim Dunlop - Washington based Australian writer. Dunlop's blog Road to Surfdom is one of the better known leftish Oz blogs. Dunlop comments on a range of issues and the quality of his analysis makes him the equal of most oped writers.
Tim Lambert - Lambert is a computer science academic based at the University of NSW with a reputation as a fact-checker who specialises in exposes of academic and journalistic fraud.
John Quiggin - Quiggin is an economist based at the University of Queensland and the Australian National University. He is a regular contributor on economics in the Australian Financial Review. Quiggin is one of the elder statesmen of the Oz blogosphere or Ozplogistanas he has called it.
Currency Lad - A moderate right Sydney-based blogger. CL has an academic background and comments on politics.
Media Dragon - Jozef Imrich is a prolific researcher. This kind of blog can become a trusted source of links; effectively he's editing the web for readers interested in the media.
G'Day world - Podcast pioneers. These guys regularly interview tech and media industry insiders.
Troppo Armadillo - A blogging collective of ten writers covering law, politics and society.
Who else should be on a list like this?
Coda: (added June 3) Journalists must stop being in denial: bloggers are here to stay. The Observer, 29/5
Coda: Could blogs become the fifth estate? In an effort to answer that question, researchers from thePew Internet & American Life Project have conducted the first in-depth academic study of 40 of the most respected political blogs and the extent to which they influence and are influenced by other media. The report is available here (PDF)
- Posted by at May 25, 2005 11:03 AM
Readers read news to be informed. As such, as long as bloggers do not distort the facts or provide dubious sources, blogs can be a way for readers to be informed. Besides, some blogs are set up by journalists and assuming that these journalists still uphold their journalistic values, why not? Besides, readers are aware of the stance bloggers have on a particular issue and readers are always free to surf around to widen their perspective.
That said, blogs should be viewed as a complement to a steady diet of mainstream media. Mainstream media is still important, bearing in mind that most bloggers lack the resources to give a good coverage and that is where bloggers derive their resources from. Moreover, I still want to read the facts on my own and form my own judgement.
Bloggers are there to fill in the gap, such as covering issues that mainstream media refuses to cover, either it’s because it’s unfeasible to do so or simply because is not in their agenda. For instance, a blogger such asSalam Pax was free to move around and talk to Iraqis because he is not a foreigner, or for bloggers such as Christopher Allbriton (Back to Iraq), he is not embedded with the military and as such, has more freedom to move around, to cover on stories that mainstream media neglect.
Blogs have most definitely “added colour” to the news world, with their personal tones and unique views. We need variety and diversity.
That said, blogs should be viewed as a complement to a steady diet of mainstream media. Mainstream media is still important, bearing in mind that most bloggers lack the resources to give a good coverage and that is where bloggers derive their resources from. Moreover, I still want to read the facts on my own and form my own judgement.
Bloggers are there to fill in the gap, such as covering issues that mainstream media refuses to cover, either it’s because it’s unfeasible to do so or simply because is not in their agenda. For instance, a blogger such asSalam Pax was free to move around and talk to Iraqis because he is not a foreigner, or for bloggers such as Christopher Allbriton (Back to Iraq), he is not embedded with the military and as such, has more freedom to move around, to cover on stories that mainstream media neglect.
Blogs have most definitely “added colour” to the news world, with their personal tones and unique views. We need variety and diversity.
- Posted by: zinny at May 25, 2005 02:53 PM
Debates concerning when bloggers can be called journalists arise because what is a journalist is still an open question. There is no real accurate definition of a journalist and people can only describe the profession of the journalist as ‘an intermediary between the information source and those who want to know the information’, or ‘a filter of information’, which has been considered as an acceptable definition so far. From the perspective of professional functions, why can’t bloggers be journalists when they are literally doing the same job of conveying message and interpreting social issues to the public as professional journalists do?
Development of communication technologies has further blurred the fine line between professional journalists and amateur bloggers. Bloggers can play the role of journalists, indicating that the public have more choice of information channels. In this way, bloggers actually check and balance traditional news production.
Some comments on bloggers fail to be impartial. Certainly, professional journalism values accuracy and objectivity but not all working journalists report accurately, whereas ‘amateur’ bloggers are not necessarily unreliable. It all depends. Given the high degree of concentration of media ownership in Australia, weblog offers more diversification to the mass media and the role of bloggers is of great importance.
Development of communication technologies has further blurred the fine line between professional journalists and amateur bloggers. Bloggers can play the role of journalists, indicating that the public have more choice of information channels. In this way, bloggers actually check and balance traditional news production.
Some comments on bloggers fail to be impartial. Certainly, professional journalism values accuracy and objectivity but not all working journalists report accurately, whereas ‘amateur’ bloggers are not necessarily unreliable. It all depends. Given the high degree of concentration of media ownership in Australia, weblog offers more diversification to the mass media and the role of bloggers is of great importance.
- Posted by: Bo Dong at May 25, 2005 03:25 PM
Hello Hugh,
Blogs are like dessert. On my Media Dragon I catalogued sweetish or challenging antipodean Pavlovas under the heading ‘Bloggers Down Under’
Wonkette editor Ana Marie Cox once said that ‘People should have a complete media diet. Things like CNN, the Washington Post, the New York Times, that's your roughage. That's your green vegetables. That's, like, what's good for you. And then there's what I do, which is like dessert. It's not always good for you. It's not very filling, but it's tasty. It's fun. It's, you know, empty calories.’
But desert isn't always bad for you ;-)
The best desert comes in the shape of Michael Schaefer who spends hours and hours selected the many voices of the web; small and great:
I am not too keen on the idea of ‘winner takes all’ but the reality is that some bloggers are now celebrities -http://www.blogebrity.com/thelist
Eric Eggerston shared a thoughtful series of links at his website Mutually Inclusive PR:
[Blogs Are Just the Medium, not a Profession]
What makes a blogger a blogger?
Being a blogger is a bit like being an alcoholic: if you say you are one, you are
[What makes a blog a blog;-? ]
Czech out also selected links at Blogfather:
Blogs are like dessert. On my Media Dragon I catalogued sweetish or challenging antipodean Pavlovas under the heading ‘Bloggers Down Under’
Wonkette editor Ana Marie Cox once said that ‘People should have a complete media diet. Things like CNN, the Washington Post, the New York Times, that's your roughage. That's your green vegetables. That's, like, what's good for you. And then there's what I do, which is like dessert. It's not always good for you. It's not very filling, but it's tasty. It's fun. It's, you know, empty calories.’
But desert isn't always bad for you ;-)
The best desert comes in the shape of Michael Schaefer who spends hours and hours selected the many voices of the web; small and great:
I am not too keen on the idea of ‘winner takes all’ but the reality is that some bloggers are now celebrities -http://www.blogebrity.com/thelist
Eric Eggerston shared a thoughtful series of links at his website Mutually Inclusive PR:
[Blogs Are Just the Medium, not a Profession]
What makes a blogger a blogger?
Being a blogger is a bit like being an alcoholic: if you say you are one, you are
[What makes a blog a blog;-? ]
Czech out also selected links at Blogfather:
- Posted by: Jozef Imrich at May 25, 2005 11:39 PM
Ach, I left out the oldest global directory which links to blogs - Blogstreet:
- Posted by: Jozef Imrich at May 25, 2005 11:51 PM
Bloggers like authors and journalists cross a whole spectrum of quality. Some of them are reporting on things, others are writing diaries - motivations are many and spread.
Bloggers certainly represent an alternative form of media food for which there is an appetitie. If this is sufficient to make it journalism, then it's journalism. Regardless of what tag you put on things, nobody's confused about what they are getting.
One problem is that blogging is a tool without an industry. It is not a phenomena *of* journalism, or of *technology*, but something of its own waiting for adoption.
The media should, and to some extent has, adopted blogging, and bring it into the fold.
A good start would be featuring blog guides in mainstream publications, and bring some of the money, glitz and glamour that is wielded by the newspapers and magazines of this country.
Bloggers certainly represent an alternative form of media food for which there is an appetitie. If this is sufficient to make it journalism, then it's journalism. Regardless of what tag you put on things, nobody's confused about what they are getting.
One problem is that blogging is a tool without an industry. It is not a phenomena *of* journalism, or of *technology*, but something of its own waiting for adoption.
The media should, and to some extent has, adopted blogging, and bring it into the fold.
A good start would be featuring blog guides in mainstream publications, and bring some of the money, glitz and glamour that is wielded by the newspapers and magazines of this country.
- Posted by: Tennessee Leeuwenburg at May 26, 2005 01:21 PM
Oh ... I thought my URL would get included. I write a blog also, at melbournephilosopher.blogspot.com and try to approach it in a way that considers the audience, and I would say is more honest that a tabloid presentation, or even many more respected media organisations. The chief difference is a respect for alternative viewpoints. Although on the flipside most people do find me to be opinionated! But I don't censor, and through selective publishing I believe the mainstream media effectively tries to control what people are reading and thinking...
- Posted by: Tennessee Leeuwenburg at May 26, 2005 02:16 PM
Its an interesting point. Bloggers are normally those people who normally want to express themselves and can't find a means of expressing in a normal day to day life. Whether it is on politics, finance, history, sports or spirituality or say any topic or concerning them, they want to express and share it with the outer world. It's normally open and honest and their wisdom on that subjet matters. The reason they do it is because there are more people who want to share or express themselves, which front line journalism fails to do in the first place. As today's journalism is more controlled by big corporations which own them, or government which helps these corporations become big.
Secondly, there is so much to cover and share that media players can't cover each and every aspect of in day to day life or individuals. They look for catchy stuff to make more money, where as bloggers don't write for money, but in the process if they can make money they grab it with two hands.
Now, this is where these bloggers are crossing the line, jumping on their (journalists) bread and butter and are making them nervous about the consequences of it. Because now people can actually have a medium to question these journalists and give their opinion, which they couldn't do in the past, and that's what makes them nervous.
People who used to read newspapers didn't have a platform to say whether what has been reported is right or wrong. But the with the advent of the internet and free blogging sites, it has made them write honestly, and passing on the message that we are not ready to take whatever you report on.
But that's not the only reason blogging is popular. It's a way of social networking, of meeting new people with the same sorts of tastes and frequencies, of promoting yourself and others, of sharing new ideas. It's a new revolution in the making and will change the way we see our Journalism and in the process will keep these journalists honest in their jobs. How's that for pressure, it seems they are under the hammer now!
Anyway that's my spin on this. I'm sure different people will have different opinions, and that's what freedom of speech and views is all about. Now people are really getting this opportunity and using it to the utmost. Welcome to the world of the blogosphere.
Secondly, there is so much to cover and share that media players can't cover each and every aspect of in day to day life or individuals. They look for catchy stuff to make more money, where as bloggers don't write for money, but in the process if they can make money they grab it with two hands.
Now, this is where these bloggers are crossing the line, jumping on their (journalists) bread and butter and are making them nervous about the consequences of it. Because now people can actually have a medium to question these journalists and give their opinion, which they couldn't do in the past, and that's what makes them nervous.
People who used to read newspapers didn't have a platform to say whether what has been reported is right or wrong. But the with the advent of the internet and free blogging sites, it has made them write honestly, and passing on the message that we are not ready to take whatever you report on.
But that's not the only reason blogging is popular. It's a way of social networking, of meeting new people with the same sorts of tastes and frequencies, of promoting yourself and others, of sharing new ideas. It's a new revolution in the making and will change the way we see our Journalism and in the process will keep these journalists honest in their jobs. How's that for pressure, it seems they are under the hammer now!
Anyway that's my spin on this. I'm sure different people will have different opinions, and that's what freedom of speech and views is all about. Now people are really getting this opportunity and using it to the utmost. Welcome to the world of the blogosphere.
- Posted by: Vishal Sharma at May 26, 2005 06:48 PM
Your list should also include Larvatus Prodeo, a blog by a former contributor to Troppo, which you've listed.
It's written by Mark Bahnisch, a Brisbane sociologist and includes lively comment on politics and contemporary culture.
The blog was the first to publish the letter from Toni Negri which countered inflammatory claims by Keith Windschuttle and Miranda Devine:
LP has also led from the front in the blogosphere on the recent controversy about torture:
Mark's reply to Alexander Downer's speech on Labor "appeasement" has been republished in Online Opinion:
That's blogger journalism in my book.
I understand that it also has one of the largest readerships of any Australian left-wing political blog, consistently provides high quality analysis, and stimulates very lively and intelligent discussion.
It's written by Mark Bahnisch, a Brisbane sociologist and includes lively comment on politics and contemporary culture.
The blog was the first to publish the letter from Toni Negri which countered inflammatory claims by Keith Windschuttle and Miranda Devine:
LP has also led from the front in the blogosphere on the recent controversy about torture:
Mark's reply to Alexander Downer's speech on Labor "appeasement" has been republished in Online Opinion:
That's blogger journalism in my book.
I understand that it also has one of the largest readerships of any Australian left-wing political blog, consistently provides high quality analysis, and stimulates very lively and intelligent discussion.
- Posted by: Kim Jameson at May 27, 2005 11:57 AM
I also meant to draw your attention to Mark's article on political blogging from Online Opinion, which addresses exactly the questions you raise in this post:
- Posted by: Kim Jameson at May 27, 2005 11:59 AM
"Another common criticism of bloggers is that anonymity or wacky pseudonyms undermines their credibility."
What name could be as wacky sounding as, say: Andrew Bolt, Piers Ackerman, Crikey, PPMcG, Miranda Devine? Surely these are all made up names?
What name could be as wacky sounding as, say: Andrew Bolt, Piers Ackerman, Crikey, PPMcG, Miranda Devine? Surely these are all made up names?
- Posted by: Francis Xavier Holden at May 27, 2005 02:31 PM
I blog at A Lan Downunder
It turns out almost by accident that many of my pieces revolve around music. I get about 60 to 100 readers a day and a few regular commentors. The commentors almost without fail expand my thinking, correct my mistakes and point me to new discoveries in thought and sound. In addition, many of the regular commentors have their own blogs, we bounce off each other and are inspired by each other to blog on something by a piece on another site in a sometimes amazing feedback loop. To use an overworked term we form a small community. It would be close to impossible to initiate such contact without being online.
It turns out almost by accident that many of my pieces revolve around music. I get about 60 to 100 readers a day and a few regular commentors. The commentors almost without fail expand my thinking, correct my mistakes and point me to new discoveries in thought and sound. In addition, many of the regular commentors have their own blogs, we bounce off each other and are inspired by each other to blog on something by a piece on another site in a sometimes amazing feedback loop. To use an overworked term we form a small community. It would be close to impossible to initiate such contact without being online.
- Posted by: Francis Xavier Holden at May 27, 2005 02:44 PM
Another example from today - the capacity of blogs and commenters to provide instant and informed analysis on the IR changes when most MSM are still reporting government and business spin:
This is the reason why I'll go first to blogs for coverage of controversial issues and their political and policy implications and second to online papers.
This is the reason why I'll go first to blogs for coverage of controversial issues and their political and policy implications and second to online papers.
- Posted by: Kim Jameson at May 27, 2005 03:13 PM
Most people printed in newspapers aren't journalists. I would prefer to say a journalist is a person who actually researches, checks and provides raw evidence.
Op-ed people are there for their opinions, and are very comparable to bloggers, but without comments to prick a few of the more ridiculous balloons that are endlessly flown by the papers at the pleasure of their owners.
Use this definition, and you can see why bloggers rely on journalists, and how bloggers can sometimes be journalists, particularly when they post on their own particular areas of expertise.
And how good journalists can use bloggers as source material, and as a check to keep them honest - if they care to listen.
Op-ed people are there for their opinions, and are very comparable to bloggers, but without comments to prick a few of the more ridiculous balloons that are endlessly flown by the papers at the pleasure of their owners.
Use this definition, and you can see why bloggers rely on journalists, and how bloggers can sometimes be journalists, particularly when they post on their own particular areas of expertise.
And how good journalists can use bloggers as source material, and as a check to keep them honest - if they care to listen.
- Posted by: david Tiley at May 28, 2005 08:56 PM
I blog at The 52nd State.
I think I pretty much agree with your thoughts here. Blogs are very good as an alternate news and opinion source, and some of them are definitely doing journalism. I try to keep most of my blogging as professional as possible, especially as I am a journalism student and essentially use my blog as practice, and as an outlet for ideas and opinion. As a result I am definitely trying to be at a level where what I am doing actually does constitute journalism.
However I think the hysteria surrounding blogs and their potential is not very accurate. They may do good journalism, but they are not competitors or a threat to mainstream media journalism, rather they have a complementary, almost symbiotic, relationship with each other. The functions of blogs are endless, but in the end they should not be seeking to compete with newspapers, TV news or radio, and any inclination that this could be the case is not only seriously overestimating the medium, but also misunderstanding it. Blogs will always need mainstream media, and the media have much to gain from the blogosphere. They are like apples and oranges and although they are both forms of journalism, they should not be considered to be exactly the same thing.
Having the two act in tandem is definitely the best way forward for both.
I think I pretty much agree with your thoughts here. Blogs are very good as an alternate news and opinion source, and some of them are definitely doing journalism. I try to keep most of my blogging as professional as possible, especially as I am a journalism student and essentially use my blog as practice, and as an outlet for ideas and opinion. As a result I am definitely trying to be at a level where what I am doing actually does constitute journalism.
However I think the hysteria surrounding blogs and their potential is not very accurate. They may do good journalism, but they are not competitors or a threat to mainstream media journalism, rather they have a complementary, almost symbiotic, relationship with each other. The functions of blogs are endless, but in the end they should not be seeking to compete with newspapers, TV news or radio, and any inclination that this could be the case is not only seriously overestimating the medium, but also misunderstanding it. Blogs will always need mainstream media, and the media have much to gain from the blogosphere. They are like apples and oranges and although they are both forms of journalism, they should not be considered to be exactly the same thing.
Having the two act in tandem is definitely the best way forward for both.
- Posted by: Nic White at May 28, 2005 08:57 PM
I have a blog at Rex in the City. Basically I just make things up, tell mistruths, and bang my one sided political drum, so yeah, I pretty much consider myself a journalist - well at least a tabloid journalist.
- Posted by: Rex Ringschott at May 30, 2005 03:29 PM
Also, to my untrained, narrow and naive eye, the biggest hole in the Aussie MSM and blogosphere is in investigative journalism.
In view of all of the above, I guess that means I am not a journalist.
In view of all of the above, I guess that means I am not a journalist.
- Posted by: saint in a straitjacket at June 1, 2005 05:25 AM
Hello, I blog at Daily Flute and I expect my readership to skyrocket now that Gerard Henderson has lost his gig.
- Posted by: flute at June 13, 2005 10:53 PM
I'm one of those bloggers with a wacky pseudonym who blogs at DogfightAtBankstown.
So the name used to work when I used to sign my cartoons with it. It probably works for a blog about nothing in particular.
While some bloggers fulfil a journalistic role and some journalists are just bloggers who get paid to write their opinions and exorcise their demons once a week in a medium other than a blog (oh yeah, some journalists also blog) I don't necessarily see journalistic bloggers as journalists. Do those bloggers get a press pass and a Walkley award? 'Professional journalists' for want of a better term do have certain protections, responsibilities and rights which bloggers don't necessarily share. I think the general public is also a long way off from equating the two as well.
Nevertheless, I do think bloggers are overtaking "traditional" journalists in some journalistic roles. Not in reporting events (even though some do just that, eg Iraqi soldier blogs, Ukraine bloggers, tsunami) but in providing analysis and interpretation. I think they are increasingly in a better position to do so as they can glean information from a wide variety of news sources on the net, and are not slaves to deadlines or competitions to break or make a story to sell. And because they also are under no pressure to blog on anything except that which interests them (unless they are under self-imposed pressure by asking readers to support their blogging or want to join some A -list).
I think that interpetation and analysis role will become increasingly more important as more and more people read their news online where the deluge of information can be overwhelming. You still like a trusted source to filter and interpret it all for you (you can only do so much with your RSS reader)
So the name used to work when I used to sign my cartoons with it. It probably works for a blog about nothing in particular.
While some bloggers fulfil a journalistic role and some journalists are just bloggers who get paid to write their opinions and exorcise their demons once a week in a medium other than a blog (oh yeah, some journalists also blog) I don't necessarily see journalistic bloggers as journalists. Do those bloggers get a press pass and a Walkley award? 'Professional journalists' for want of a better term do have certain protections, responsibilities and rights which bloggers don't necessarily share. I think the general public is also a long way off from equating the two as well.
Nevertheless, I do think bloggers are overtaking "traditional" journalists in some journalistic roles. Not in reporting events (even though some do just that, eg Iraqi soldier blogs, Ukraine bloggers, tsunami) but in providing analysis and interpretation. I think they are increasingly in a better position to do so as they can glean information from a wide variety of news sources on the net, and are not slaves to deadlines or competitions to break or make a story to sell. And because they also are under no pressure to blog on anything except that which interests them (unless they are under self-imposed pressure by asking readers to support their blogging or want to join some A -list).
I think that interpetation and analysis role will become increasingly more important as more and more people read their news online where the deluge of information can be overwhelming. You still like a trusted source to filter and interpret it all for you (you can only do so much with your RSS reader)