Lord, and Hsenim give me the strength to respond without RESORTING TO ALL CAPS AND !!!s
Joy veh | David Baddiel on the history of Jewish comedy
To come back, then, to what appeared to be a passing, but was not, point about the afterlife: Christianity, and most other religions, are all in the clouds, in the great hereafter – Judaism tends to concentrate on the here and now, and indeed its rules. But in minutiae, there is humanity: it is in reaching after the grandiose things in life that civilization gets skewed. To be microscopic, comically, is to create engagement: these people, the joke says, are like you, because like you, they sweat the small stuff.
NEWS YOU CAN USE: How You Can Find Happiness During the Collapse of Western Civilization
There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear,”Toni Morrison exhorted in considering the artist’s task in troubled times. In our interior experience as individuals, as in the public forum of our shared experience as a culture, our courage lives in the same room as our fear — it is in troubled times, in despairing times, that we find out who we are and what we are capable of.
Joy veh | David Baddiel on the history of Jewish comedy
To come back, then, to what appeared to be a passing, but was not, point about the afterlife: Christianity, and most other religions, are all in the clouds, in the great hereafter – Judaism tends to concentrate on the here and now, and indeed its rules. But in minutiae, there is humanity: it is in reaching after the grandiose things in life that civilization gets skewed. To be microscopic, comically, is to create engagement: these people, the joke says, are like you, because like you, they sweat the small stuff.
I guess Don Adams makes it, because his father was Jewish, But he was raised in his mother's Catholic faith and had a Catholic funeral.
Five Libraries Staying Open In Extreme Circumstances
Libraries aren’t just a place to store books. They also have a more symbolic purpose, as a signifier of civilization. Here are five libraries in places struggling to survive themselves.
NEWS YOU CAN USE: How You Can Find Happiness During the Collapse of Western Civilization
There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear,”Toni Morrison exhorted in considering the artist’s task in troubled times. In our interior experience as individuals, as in the public forum of our shared experience as a culture, our courage lives in the same room as our fear — it is in troubled times, in despairing times, that we find out who we are and what we are capable of.
Growing up in a small midwestern town, I learned early how to make my own fun. With nothing but our imaginations and our bikes, my cousins and I crisscrossed the quiet streets of our neighborhood and beyond. We would climb trees, pretend we were adventurous runaways, and wade through the creek in my grandparents’ backyard, excavating clay for homemade pottery. Ice cream cones and trips to the pool were highlights, but nothing was quite as exciting as the day the circus came to town.
The fairgrounds were directly across the street from my cousin Cara’s home, so we always knew when the trucks arrived. Fingers curled around the chain-link fence, we would watch as the tents were laid across the browning grass and then almost magically erected, their bright colors a siren call, a beacon. Within hours everyone knew that the circus was in town, and kids would drag their parents out of the sunlight and into the dark, mysterious interior of the main tent.
I am fascinated by the circus—the mystique and wonder, the sense of awe and delight. But there is always an underlying hint of danger, the understanding that everything is not quite as it seems. Maybe that’s why Leslie Parry’s CHURCH OF MARVELS is such a memorable read for me.

Dark and atmospheric, CHURCH OF MARVELS chronicles the stories of a varied cast of engaging, complex characters. As their paths converge amid a backdrop of underground opium societies, insane asylums, the tough streets of New York City, and the enigmatic culture of circus sideshow performers, readers are swept up in an epic tale that is deeply satisfying. At the heart of the mystery is a group of lonely, broken people looking for love and a chance at redemption, and Parry’s gorgeous prose details their stories with sensitivity and grace.
I highly recommend CHURCH OF MARVELS for anyone who loves a compelling book with a little mystery and carefully drawn, luminous characters. It’s a story filled with enchantment that doesn’t shy away from the darkness that can shadow the human heart but still offers an astonishing glimpse at the beauty of hope.
“Life is uncommon and strange; it is full of intricacies and odd, confounding turns. So onstage we remind them just how extraordinary the ordinary can be.”