… Never Call Yourself a Writer, and Other Rules for Writing | BREVITY's Nonfiction Blog
Not since I read Angela’s Ashes, have I read a novel so saturated with water. (Sorry, the pun is irresistible). It’s not just the fatal lake, the village also floods under torrential rain. The heavens open a lot. But although the ground level is flooded, the quirky house built by Grandfather is a kind of ark – though why an Old Testament God should visit such punishment on the seemingly harmless wasn’t clear to me. But besides the flood, the girls are always getting wet and sleeping in damp clothes, as if to compensate for tears unshed.
Eighteen years ago.
Eighteen years, and the 3920th review should go up sometime today.
Don't really know what to say about this kind of anniversary. Except for that I have obviously wasted way, way too much time doing this...
But, man, the books ..... Eighteen years
I am the youngest of six (6) Children ...
Journalists around the world are working together more than ever. Here are 56 examples
How biography works. It isn't merely a mode of historical inquiry, “but an act of imaginative faith,” says Richard Holmes, who has spent his life pursuing subjects through the past... Coldest Rivers »
Here’s how local newsrooms can collaborate on big projects
all written by hand and sent via USPS please
By coincidence — although not really so, if you see what I mean — a planned lecture tour of Australia by AEI’s Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a vocal critic of female genital mutilation, sharia law, and jihadism, has been called off following calls to venues and insurers threatening “trouble.” Ali, who was born Muslim but came to disagree with the religious tenets of Islam, already travels with armed guards because of the credible threat of assassination [Kay Hymowitz, City Journal]
You have an estimated 70,000 thoughts per day. That's 70,000 chances to build yourself up or tear yourself down 5 Exercises That Train Your Brain for Happiness and Success
Robert Goulder, French Lessons on Tax Reform: The Bad, the Worse, and the Bizarre (Tax Analysts Blog). “It gets worse. Mélenchon wants to increase the top marginal tax rate on individuals to 100 percent of their earnings. You read that correctly — a 100 percent tax bracket… I’ve never taken the Laffer Curve seriously, but in the case of a 100 percent marginal rate, one might start to ponder whether the ripple effects include disincentives to work and invest.”
Unfair at “Vanity Fair”: William Cohan Muddies the Met Mess
I am the youngest of six (6) Children ...
I lost my father this past year, and the word feels right because I keep looking for him. As if he were misplaced. As if he could just turn up, like a sock or a set of keys.
It’s not unusual. In fact, nothing about his death, or my grief, is unusual; there’s no news here—nothing remotely tragic. I know what tragic is: eight days before my father died, a skinny young man walked into an elementary school fifteen minutes from where I live and killed twenty children, something so outrageous that the laws of physics should have stuttered in sympathy, the thrown rock cleared the horizon, the bouncing ball kept bouncing forever.
My father’s death was not in that universe of things. Really, nothing happened. An old man who seventy years ago had held the national Czech junior record in the eight-hundred-metre run walked out of a restaurant in Prague that he went to every day, started making his way up the sidewalk with the cane that I had bought him, complained of feeling weak, sat down on the stoop of 74 Vinohradska street, and died. He was not a person of interest; he’d pass through the mesh of the New York Times Obituary section like dust. He’d lived a long, heartbreaking, and extraordinary life, lived it, on the whole, more decently than most, and when he came to the end of it, he died. It doesn’t get more ordinary than that—the dying part, at least. Nobody's son, father, dedko ...
Journalists around the world are working together more than ever. Here are 56 examples
How biography works. It isn't merely a mode of historical inquiry, “but an act of imaginative faith,” says Richard Holmes, who has spent his life pursuing subjects through the past... Coldest Rivers »
Here’s how local newsrooms can collaborate on big projects
all written by hand and sent via USPS please
By coincidence — although not really so, if you see what I mean — a planned lecture tour of Australia by AEI’s Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a vocal critic of female genital mutilation, sharia law, and jihadism, has been called off following calls to venues and insurers threatening “trouble.” Ali, who was born Muslim but came to disagree with the religious tenets of Islam, already travels with armed guards because of the credible threat of assassination [Kay Hymowitz, City Journal]
The 2017 Pulitzer Prizes have just been announced, and this year’s winners of the prestigious award include Charleston Gazette-Mail reporter Eric Eyre for hisinvestigative report on the drug companies that flooded West Virginia with opioids and New York Times Magazine writer C.J. Chivers for his article about a veteran of the war in Afghanistan suffering from PTSD. I’ve done research on award-winners for some time, analyzing Pulitzers granted since 1995 (the first year for which award-winning stories are available through the organization’s online archive). In studying the winning stories, we’re able to see what gets recognized as good journalism. My research reveals something surprising: What distinguishes Pulitzer Prize-winning stories is not only painstaking journalistic work on important social issues, but also the use of emotional storytelling.
You have an estimated 70,000 thoughts per day. That's 70,000 chances to build yourself up or tear yourself down 5 Exercises That Train Your Brain for Happiness and Success
BuzzFeed News gets its first
Pulitzer citation
Arthur Balfour was not a great prime minister of Britain, but he was a serious philosopher. Intellectual politicians, once common, now are nonexistent... Non Existent
Arthur Balfour was not a great prime minister of Britain, but he was a serious philosopher. Intellectual politicians, once common, now are nonexistent... Non Existent
Robert Goulder, French Lessons on Tax Reform: The Bad, the Worse, and the Bizarre (Tax Analysts Blog). “It gets worse. Mélenchon wants to increase the top marginal tax rate on individuals to 100 percent of their earnings. You read that correctly — a 100 percent tax bracket… I’ve never taken the Laffer Curve seriously, but in the case of a 100 percent marginal rate, one might start to ponder whether the ripple effects include disincentives to work and invest.”