Jozef Imrich, name worthy of Kafka, has his finger on the pulse of any irony of interest and shares his findings to keep you in-the-know with the savviest trend setters and infomaniacs.
''I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center.''
-Kurt Vonnegut
From left, Lisa-Kainde Diaz, Chloe Bailey, Naomi Diaz, Beyoncé, Amandla Stenberg, Zendaya (foreground) and Halle Bailey (Chloe’s sister, behind Ms. Zendaya) in a scene from “Lemonade.”CreditParkwood Entertainment
An international fugitive who stole almost half a million dollars during an ATM cracking spree in NSW will face extradition to Europe over his role in a deadly people smuggling operation.
More than
1,200 hotels in the InterContinental Hotels Group fell victim to a 3-month-long
malware attack that targeted customer payment card data, the global hotel chain
said Wednesday. InterContinental, which includes the Holiday Inn and Crowne
Plaza brands, said in February only 12 hotels were affected by the cyberattack.
The malware attack lasted from September 29 to December 29, searching for data
stored on cards' magnetic stripes, such as the cardholder's name, card number,
expiration date and internal verification code, the company said. The company
said Holiday Inn, Crown Plaza, Hotel indigo, Candlewood Suites and Staybridge
Suites were affected by the breach.
And the #deleteUber movement gets more fuel for its fire: “The practice, called fingerprinting, is prohibited by Apple. To prevent the company from discovering the practice, Uber geofenced Apple headquarters in Cupertino, changing its code so that it would be hidden from Apple Employees.”
Thousands of reports containing confidential Canadian banking information records have been sent directly to the U.S Internal Revenue Service, without the ...
“Majorities of Americans think local libraries serve the educational needs of their communities and families pretty well and library users often outpace others in learning activities. But many do not know about key education services libraries provide. Most Americans believe libraries do a decent job of serving the education and learning needs of their communities and their own families. A new survey by Pew Research Centershows that 76% of adults say libraries serve the learning and educational needs of their communities either “very well” (37%) or “pretty well” (39%). Further, 71% say libraries serve their own personal needs and the needs of their families “very well” or “pretty well.” As a rule, libraries’ performance in learning arenas gets better marks from women, blacks, Hispanics, those in lower-income households, and those ages 30 and older. Majorities of adults say their local libraries are serving the educational needs of their communities and their own families at least ‘pretty well’ At the same time, many do not know that libraries offer learning-related programs and materials such as e-books, career and job resources, and high school certification courses…A recent Pew Research reportfound that 73% of adults say the label “lifelong learner” applies “very well” to them. Additionally, 74% of adults have participated in personal learning experiences of various kinds in the previous 12 months – we call them personal learners. And 63% of full- and part-time workers have taken courses or done training on the job to improve their skills in the past year – we called them professional learners
The tendency in modern criminal justice has been to remove two specific elements from the state’s justice: spectacle and pain. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, pillories and stocks and whipping posts became museum pieces, the hangman and the firing squad were supplanted by more technical methods, and punishment became something that happened elsewhere — in distant prisons and execution chambers, under professional supervision, far from the baying crowd.
All of this made a certain moral sense. But the civilizing process did not do away with cruelty and in some ways it could exacerbate it. With executions, the science was often inexact and the application difficult, and when it went wrong the electric chair or the gas chamber could easily become a distinctive kind of torture. During the last century lethal injection, now the execution method of choice, had a higher “botch rate” by far than every other means of killing the condemned. Meanwhile, the lowest rate of failure (albeit out of a small sample size) belonged to that old standby: the firing squad. . . .
It is not clear that this method of dealing with crime succeeds at avoiding cruel and unusual punishment so much as it avoids making anyone outside the prison system see it. Nor is it clear that a different system, with a sometimes more old-fashioned set of penalties, would necessarily be more inhumane.
Nearly half
(46%) of British businesses discovered at least one cybersecurity breach or
attack in the past year, a government survey has indicated. That proportion
rose to two-thirds among medium and large companies. Most often, these breaches
involved fraudulent emails being sent to staff or security issues relating to
viruses, spyware or malware. The survey was completed by 1,500 UK businesses
and included 30 in-depth interviews.
government said a "sizeable proportion" of the businesses still did
not have "basic protections" in place. While many had enacted
rudimentary technical controls, only one-third had a formal policy covering
cybersecurity risks. Less than a third (29%) had assigned a specific board
member to be responsible for cybersecurity.
AUSTRALIANS' sexual practices, religious beliefs and health records could be collected
in a new government database designed to choke off terrorism financing. A
covert intelligence unit called the "Fintel Alliance" has been set up
to team Australia's spy and law agencies with the Immigration Department,
Australian Taxation Office, banks and even PayPal.