Friday, May 30, 2014

You A Writer? Prepare For A Lifetime Of Humiliation

You A Writer? Prepare For A Lifetime Of Humiliation

humiliation and obscurity
“It is much better for a writer to be underrecognized than over, in terms of keeping one’s head down, like the proverbial Japanese nail, so that one might observe the world unhammered and unimpeded. Abjure fame and avoid obscurity. But between those extremes lies the perch where a writer occasionally might do some good work.”

Dante And Kanye, Sharing One Soul (A Perfect Satire Of A College Essay)

“On ‘Can’t Tell Me Nothing’, Kanye raps ‘I had a dream I could buy my way to heaven’ and weirdly, that’s exactly what happened to Dante. He had a dream, kind of, and then he was in heaven.”