Sunday, October 05, 2003

When I was a secretary of a body corporate at 1/2 Birriga Rd Bellevue Hill the building cleaner used to send his invoices to us addressed as Mr Imgold...

Price of Gold
The world is a bucket, damn it all!? Can't they see that the world is a damn bucket!? and with that last declaration, Big John, noticed a shiny yellow object reflecting in the river. John became engrossed at the prospect, and in his confused state, thought of gold. He leaned forward and peered intently at this glistening object. Unable to discern clearly, he leaned a little more toward the object hoping to espy its nature. Forgetting his precarious position, Big John lost his balance; he waved his arms momentarily, gave one short gasp and fell from the bridge into the icy river. The ripples slowly widened, making the moon's reflection shimmer on the water's surface.
· Cold River: Price of Living [ABC Tales]