Sunday, October 26, 2003

You know as well as I do Lauren's Tajny Recept for Rizoto is tasty on any taste buds
· Ever Made Risotto, Mate? [NY Times (I would like to know how in the world or when and under what circumstances my, supposedly faithful, wife obtained signed copy of a cookbook by that nymphomaniac Naked Chef (grin)]

Treating a Troubled World With a Dose of Star Power
A picture of such voluminous silliness and shrill naïveté that crosses a border into insensitivity almost makes you ask why Mr. Campbell bothered to make a movie that dances around real-life horrors. That is, until you realize that it would have been obscene if actual suffering had been so debased and trivialized. A crucial speech has a character talk about stepping on a land mine and hearing a deadly click. In the audience, you'll hear a similar noise and realize all hope is lost for those trapped in theaters with this picture.
· Beyond Borders [NYTimes ]
One of the longest structures that humans have ever built, the 5400 kilometre dog fence
· Antipodean Berlin Wall: Run Doggie ... Run Run Run [SMHerald ]

No Dogs, Cane Toads & Wogs Allowed? There is more to borders especially if you want to experience the surreal world of reality exile. All it takes is a short walk to the Downstairs Theatre, Belvoir St, part of the dark Sydney Underground, where for the black market price of Penfold Bin 28 you can feel lucky you are not any of the characters in that Cool Room. Unfortunately, this offer will expire by next Sunday! Just Do a spirit of the moment thing ...Consider suprising your enemies: Burn money and Morphose into Kafkaroach !