Thursday, October 30, 2003

Even if once upon a time I was not described as the Mitteleuropean Instapundit, Savant, or reached amazing clicking wonder for 96 seconds as top 100 blogger at the Street of Blogging Power (, I would still consider blogging an extraordinary joy. All my friends know that I was born to break information and ideas. Is blogging better than sex? Definite maybe not! (smile)
· Joy of Unedited Sex and Blogging [Slate]

Blog Bog
A recent study by Perseus Development, a research firm and maker of software for surveys, finds that fully 66 percent of the 4.12 million blogs, or online journals, created on eight leading blog-hosting services have been "abandoned'' - that is, not updated for at least two months. And 1.09 million of those were one-day wonders.
· 'It's all the Dragon's fault' [ NYTimes]
· Love thy blogger [SMH Webdiary]