Saturday, October 25, 2003

Joe Stalin said who votes doesn't count, it's who gets to count the votes...

Upper house downers
When Canberra opted for self-government in 1989, the territory had no need of an upper house to do business. So if our newest parliament could do without one, why do other state parliaments cling to the old-fashioned notion of upper houses, which many view as an irrelevant appendix to the body politic?
· Bicameral [Sunday ]
· Bushicameral [SoutherlyBuster ]

Not wishing to alarm you, but I know too well as the former Crown employee that dirty tricks played by characters on pages inside the special edition of BRW frighten Parliamentarians more than gang warfares taking place on Sydney streets or even superhot gases which seem to be speeding towards Earth.
Time for a glass of red ... let us all enjoy the last moments on earth eyeing super solar storms!

Andrew Refshauge
I won't be subject to bullying and intimidation. We are being threatened by members of a powerful group who think they have an entitlement to tell others what to do. This opposition is orchestrated...
I'll tell you how serious this is. Bob Carr won't come to the dinner. He'll flick the responsibility to [his deputy, Andrew] Refshauge at the last minute. And you won't get the Town Hall. It is more than Lucy's life is worth. They will desert us as well.

· Public life is too much characterised by cowardice ... [SMH: Ramsey]