Sunday, January 15, 2023

Jazz Is Freedom and King of Islands and Roos

 Jazz Is Freedom The Baffler

Male and female gibbons sing duets in time with each other New Scientist

This wildlife rehabilitator rescued over 1,600 bats during Houston cold snap CNN

New York Putting Kangaroo 🦘 Island on the global map and every one loves the Hungarian identical Twin comedy show in Adelaide 

The New York Times ranks Kangaroo Island in the top ten places to visit in 2023 We know it’s a paradise on earth. Now the rest of the world has cottoned on with KI ranked on the New York Times’ list of global travel destinations for 2023.

Robert Gottlieb On The Relationship Between Editor And Writer

The editor represents many things, and different things to every writer. It's a financial relationship. It's an approval relationship. It's a technical relationship. It can be a close one or it can not. Some writers don't want to be social with their editors. Others need to talk to them constantly. - NPR

Grief, a (grand)mother tongue Scalawag

Paul Cronin’s book of conversations with filmmaker Werner Herzog is called Werner Herzog - A Guide for the Perplexed. On the back cover of the book, Herzog offers a list of advice for filmmakers that doubles as general purpose life advice.

24 pieces of life advice from Werner Herzog, incl. "carry bolt cutters everywhere" and "take revenge if need be".

I bet this is some of the stuff you learn at Herzog’s Rogue Film School

Pigeon caught in Canadian prison yard with drugsAnadolu

What’s next for quantum computing MIT Technology Review

Philosophy’s blindspot Aeon

What It Means for Hunger to Burn Through the Pentagon’s Ranks

Food insecurity, aka hunger, afflicts from one in eight to one in four military families per recent studies.

“Unveiling the Price of Obscenity”

Does legitimating sinful activities have a cost? This paper examines the relationship between housing demand and overt prostitution in Amsterdam. In our empirical design, we exploit the spatial discontinuity in the location of brothel windows created by canals, combined with a policy that forcibly closed some of the windows near these canals. To pin down their effect on housing prices, we apply a difference-in-discontinuity (DiD) estimator, which controls for the precise location of brothel windows and the effect of other policies and local developments. Our results show that the housing prices are discontinuous at the bordering canals, and this discontinuity nearly disappears after closures. The discontinuity is also found to decrease with the distance to brothels, disappearing after 300 yards. Our estimates indicate that homes right next to sex workers were 30 percent cheaper before the closures. This result seems unrelated to the presence of other businesses, such as bars and cannabis shops. Instead, the price discount is partly explained by petty crimes. However, 73 percent of the effect remains unexplained after controlling for many forms of crime and risk perception. Our findings suggest that households tend to be against the visible presence of sex workers and related nuisances, reaffirming their marginalization.

That is from a new paper by Erasmo Giambona and Rafael P. Ribas, via a highly reputable man.