Not everyone likes me. (Ask BB’s mates)
But not everyone matters…
~Via Yellowstone
NDIS - Providers banned some organization's data cannot be pasted here.
Government puts tax professionals ‘on notice’ after PwC breach
Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones says the government may rethink its approach to consulting tax professionals but did not rule out continuing to use PwC despite the firm and its former head of international tax being sanctioned for breaching confidentiality rules.
“The tax advice profession is now on notice,” says Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones. Alex Ellinghausen
Mr Jones declined to say whether PwC’s tax professionals would be cut out of the tax policy development process over the breaches, which involved sharing confidential government briefings with partners and clients.
“The tax advice profession is now on notice. The government wants effective consultation with the industry – our policies are better for it,” Mr Jones said.
“This sometimes needs to be done on a confidential basis to allow effective collaboration on issues as they arise. When the integrity of that process is breached, we may need to rethink our approach.”
Comment has also been sought from Finance Minister Katy Gallagher over the continued use of PwC professionals by the government when developing policy.
As I noted in my column in The National yesterday: My argument was this: [Freeports] exist to promote the ideas of far-right politicians who hate
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All hail, ‘Toadzilla’: Giant toad in Australia could be world’s largest WaPo
Twitter and Google Behaving Badly
Examples of Google becoming more obvious about manipulating search results.
The FBI Identified a Tor User Bruce Schneier
Gonzalez v. Google Techdirt: “In early December 2022, a former Israeli Minister of Defense and Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, three other retired Israeli generals, a former Commissioner of the Israeli Police, and a former head of the Mossad’s Intelligence Directorate filed an amicus brief before the U.S. Supreme Court in Gonzalez v. Googlearguing that Internet platforms should be civilly liable for third party content that encourages terrorist activity. In their filing, they claimed that the wave of terror in Israel in 2015–2016 “became known as the ‘Facebook intifada’ and the #stab! Campaign due to the essential role social media played in inciting the perpetrators to attack civilians.” The Anti-Defamation League also filed a brief in the case, similarly arguing that Internet platforms should have legal accountability for violence against Jewish Americans and other vulnerable communities encouraged by these platforms’ recommendation engines.
So, too, the Zionist Organization of America asserted that Internet platforms should not be immune from liability “when they target specific users and recommend and direct them to new content that helps fan the flames of hatred and violence against the Jewish community.” [h/t Pete Weiss]
Violence was widespread in early farming society, says new study
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