Wednesday, November 02, 2022

There Are Eight Forms of Intelligence, Not Just One: Which Apply to You?

10 Quotes That Make You Say Yes to Life

What happens when the boss spreads misinformation?



Businesses founded by Li were implicated in a major money-laundering case in New Zealand in 2020. Authorities in Australia have also linked his local money-moving businesses to more than $1.4 billion in fund transfers over eight years, many of which appear suspect or to have links to Chinese organised crime and underground Asian sex rings

Edward Snowden Calls Out Craig Wright for Being a Fraud

ALGO WARS:  High-end hotels manipulate reviews when competing with Airbnb.

Open Culture: “Intelligence is a fraught subject of discussion, and only becoming more so. Among the frameworks developed safely to approach it, one has gained special prominence: the theory championed by developmental psychologist Howard Gardner, author of the book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. And how many such intelligences are there? In the Big Think video above — posted in 2016, 33 years after Frames of Mind — he names ten: language, logic and mathematics, musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist, teaching, and existential.  

Some of these may strike you as only tangentially related to intelligence, traditionally defined. Gardner has considered this: “People say, ‘Well, music’s a talent, it’s not an intelligence.’ And I say, ‘Well, why, if you’re good with words, is that an intelligence, but if you’re good with tones and rhythms and timbres…” Nobody, in his telling, has ever come up with a convincing response. Hence his mission to expand the definition of intelligence beyond the aggregate measure of brainpower long known as the general intelligence factor — or more commonly, “g factor” — to encompass the sort of skills whose usefulness we can see in the real world, away from the constructed rigors of psychometric tests…”

Pew: “A small but growing share of U.S. adults say they regularly get news on TikTok. This is in contrast with many other social media sites, where news consumption has either declined or stayed about the same in recent years. In just two years, the share of U.S. adults who say they regularly get news from TikTok has roughly tripled, from 3% in 2020 to 10% in 2022. 

The video-sharing platform has reported high earnings the past year and has become especially popular among teens – two-thirds of whom report using it in some way – as well as young adults Adults under 30 are the most likely group to say they regularly get news on TikTok. About a quarter of Americans in this age group (26%) say they regularly get news there, higher than in 2021 and 2020. This compares with 10% of those ages 30 to 49, 4% of those 50 to 64 and just 1% of those 65 and older.

  1. “The most important teacher of philosophy in America, if not the world, for a third of a century” — a documentary about Bob Gurland, a longtime, highly-regarded teacher of philosophy at NYU (link is to the film’s trailer)
  2. Travel as a philosophical activity — Emily Thomas (Durham) interviewed on travel, philosophy, women and other subjects
  3. “People don’t like being tricked, especially when the trickery results in giving another person affections they don’t deserve” — Jesse Hamilton (U. Penn) on “stolen valor”
  4. “I think a lot of wisdom in life (and in philosophy) is about being able to see why things are confusing—once you can see that the confusion itself is a lot easier to live with even if you still don’t have the answer” — an interview with philosopher and advice-columnist Eleanor Gordon-Smith (Princeton)
  5. “Philosophers increasingly face difficult choices in balancing sustainability with other considerations in teaching and research, event organizing, department governance, and institutional service” — an upcoming APA webinar on sustainable practices in philosophy
  6. “There is a persistent conventional wisdom that… Adam Smith holds a labor theory of value” — but, despite there being a “kernel of truth” in this, it’s not quite right, explains Eric Schliesser (Amsterdam)
  7. “The clarity championed in analytic philosophy is indebted to the clarity indigenous to science; but that there is another sort of clarity: one found in poetry but occasionally also found in philosophy, to that philosophy’s benefit” — James C. McGuiggan on varieties of clarity