US ATTORNEY: Chinese Espionage On The Rise.
Some of the
nation’s top research universities are cutting ties with Chinese tech giant
Huawei as the company faces allegations of bank fraud and trade theft. Colleges
including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton University and
the University of California, Berkeley, have said they will accept no new
funding from the company, citing the recent federal charges against Huawei
along with broader cybersecurity concerns previously raised by the U.S.
government. The schools are among at least nine that have received funding from
Huawei over the past six years, amounting a combined $10.5 million, according
to data provided by the U.S. Education Department. The data, which is reported
by schools, does not include gifts of less than $250,000. It’s not uncommon for
big companies to provide research dollars to schools in the U.S. and elsewhere.
At MIT, which received a $500,000 gift in 2017, officials announced in a memo
Wednesday they will not approve any new deals with the company and won’t renew
existing ones. T
A free press is a magic weapon against China's influence peddling
The Interpreter - 17 Dec 2017
Finally, I think independent Chinese newspaper The Vision China Times, based in Sydney and ...
The Interpreter
"Wenn sich die Demokratien nicht wehren, wird Peking ihnen seine ...
Chinese whispers over sponsorship of Georges River Council's ...

A joint investigation by Four Corners, The Age and Sydney Morning Herald reveals fresh and compelling evidence of covert Beijing-backed political activity taking place in Australia.
A local Sydney council bowed to pressure from the Chinese Government and banned an Australian-owned media company from sponsoring an event because it was critical of the Communist Party.
Ties to China
Tony Abbott's re-election campaign held a fundraising function last year at a private golf club controlled by an allegedly corrupt Beijing-linked casino tycoon and China's biggest media propagandist in Australia.
China Pushing 'New World Media Order' to Suppress Dissent ...
The Epoch Times - 26 Mar 2019
... Chinese-language publication Vision China Times because of Beijing's political pressure, the report ...
Vision Times tells the world everything about China in today's context. We keep a close eye on China because of its influence now and the lessons we can learn from its ancient past to better our lives today.
Vision China Times is an integrated Chinese language newspaper independently owned by the Vision Times Media (Australia) Corporation Pty Ltd

A joint investigation by Four Corners, The Age and Sydney Morning Herald reveals fresh and compelling evidence of covert Beijing-backed political activity taking place in Australia.
Key points
- Chinese consular officials issued at least eight warnings to Georges River Council over its dealings with Vision China Times media.
- Vision China Times says it has been repeatedly harassed because it publishes information critical of China's Communist Party.
- Georges River Council initially bowed to pressure and banned the organisation from sponsoring a Chinese New Year event.
A joint investigation by Four Corners, The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald obtained documents showing how Chinese consular officials issued at least eight warnings over 12 months to the Georges River Council over its dealings with Vision China Times, a Chinese-language media organisation.
The newspaper has been repeatedly harassed because it publishes information in Mandarin that is critical of the Chinese Communist Party.
Vision China Times advertisers based in China were threatened by Chinese officials, including intelligence agents, and forced to pull their advertising.
The clear case of Chinese interference in Australia comes after the joint Four Corners and The Age/SMH investigation also exposed ties between Communist Party-linked businessmen and senior Australian politicians.
Vision China Times manager Maree Ma says her paper has come under attack because it does not toe the Communist Party line.
China pressured Sydney council into banning media company ...
Sydney councillors referred to corruption watchdog over China trip
The Sydney Morning Herald - 5 days ago
... during council and committee meetings under the newly-formed Georges River Council, including ...
A group of American hackers who once worked for U.S. intelligence agencies helped the United Arab Emirates spy on a BBC host, the chairman of Al Jazeera and other prominent Arab media figures during a tense 2017 confrontation pitting the UAE and its allies against the Gulf state of Qatar. The American operatives worked for Project Raven, a secret Emirati intelligence program that spied on dissidents, militants and political opponents of the UAE monarchy. A Reuters investigation in January revealed Project Raven’s existence and inner workings, including the fact that it surveilled a British activist and several unnamed U.S. journalists. The Raven operatives — who included at least nine former employees of the U.S. National Security Agency and the U.S. military — found themselves thrust into the thick of a high-stakes dispute among America’s Gulf allies. The Americans’ role in the UAE-Qatar imbroglio highlights how former U.S. intelligence officials have become key players in the cyber wars of other nations, with little oversight from Washington. |