Seated for more than six hours a day? Better get moving! - ABC News
Deer kills man, injures woman near Wangaratta in north-east Victoria
FLORIDA BUNNY: “Video of an Easter bunny brawl in Orlando is going viral. It is not known who was inside the big, white bunny suit but he looks hopping mad as he is seen in the video throwing several punches at a guy in downtown Orlando near Tier nightclub Sunday night. An Orlando police officer eventually stepped in to break up the fight.”
Would life be happier without Google? I spent a week finding out Guardian. More interesting than one might expect
Half of England is owned by less than 1% of the population Guardian
Private Government: How Employers Rule Our Lives (and Why We Don’t Talk about It)
By Elizabeth Anderson | Princeton University Press | $44.99 | 224 pages
Lab Rats: Why Modern Work Makes People Miserable
By Dan Lyons | Atlantic Books | $29.99 | 272 pages
Brotopia: Breaking Up the Boys’ Club of Silicon Valley
By Emily Chang | Penguin | $26.99 | 320 pages
Most people spend most of their time in slavery. They live in a world of subordination, obeisance and arbitrary decrees; they must endure loyalty oaths, surveillance and the soul-destroying vagaries of dictatorship; they suffer under the burden of potential exile; they are vassals, shunted from fiefdom to suzerain and back again.
Do you recognise this world? You do? Maybe you’re a North Korean dissident, or a refugee who fled Stalin’s Russia. Or maybe you’ve just got home from work.
“Most workers,” argues the American philosopher Elizabeth Anderson in her provocative new book, “are governed by communist dictatorships in their working lives.” When we enter our workplaces we enter a system of private government. And it’s not a pretty sight: the private governments of the past were run by leaders who took power by force or by birth; the private governments of today are run by CEOs.
A spectre is haunting the workplace
Here’s How TurboTax Just Tricked You Into Paying to File Your Taxes
ProPublica: “Did you know that if you make less than $66,000 a year, you can prepare and file your taxes for free? No? That’s no accident. Companies that make tax preparation software, like Intuit, the maker of TurboTax, would rather you didn’t know. Intuit and other tax software companies have spent millions lobbying to make sure that the IRS doesn’t offer its own tax preparation and filing service. In exchange, the companies have entered into an agreement with the IRS to offer a “Free File” product to most Americans — but good luck finding it…”
Michael Abramowicz (George Washington), Tax Experimentation, 71 Fla. L. Rev. 65 (2019):
Random experiments could allow the government to test tax policies before they are enacted into general law. Such experiments can be revenue-neutral, with the tax authority ensuring ex post that average tax revenues received from taxpayers in the treatment and control groups are equal. Taxpayers might thus volunteer even for experiments that would broaden the tax base, for example by eliminating deductions. Continued participation by taxpayers in such experiments would indicate that the proposed reforms are efficient at least if externalities are disregarded. Non-revenue-neutral experiments raise greater concerns about horizontal inequity, but they may be helpful in addressing questions about effects of tax rates and in increasing participation.
- Anger over £4bn a year 'stealth tax' on those buying UK shares (22 Apr 2019)
- Public Tax Returns? No, Just Those of the Well-Off (22 Apr 2019)
- Millions of pounds of UK aid has been spent on profit-making private schools. Why? (22 Apr 2019)
- Donald Trump takes legal action to block release of his tax returns (22 Apr 2019)
- UK steps up probe of tax 'underpayment' by US companies (22 Apr 2019)
- Nigeria's top judge Walter Onnoghen to forfeit bank accounts (22 Apr 2019)
- The big four auditors are failing – and the watchdog's report won't change that (18 Apr 2019)
- Half of England is owned by less than 1% of the population (18 Apr 2019)
- So 1% of the people own half of England. Inheritance tax reform could fix that (18 Apr 2019)
- How do you pay taxes on bitcoin? Congress demands explanation (18 Apr 2019)
- The billionaires' donations will turn Notre Dame into a monument to hypocrisy (18 Apr 2019)
- HMRC needs companies to act against tax fraud (18 Apr 2019)
- Deutsche Bank faces action over $20bn Russian money-laundering scheme (17 Apr 2019)
- Bill Browder files Swedbank money laundering complaint in Latvia (17 Apr 2019)
- Property tax reform call to boost Scottish council funding (17 Apr 2019)
- New Offshore Tax Avoidance Warning As Data Sharing Starts (17 Apr 2019)
- A guide to disguised remuneration – time to act is now (17 Apr 2019)
- HMRC's direct recovery of debt powers bring in £178m tax (17 Apr 2019)
- More US people are cheating on their taxes, but fewer are going to jail (17 Apr 2019)
- EU gives 'high-level' protection to whistleblowers (17 Apr 2019)
- Proposal for a EU Whistleblowing directive Protection of persons reporting on breaches of Union law (COM(2018)0218 – C8-0159/2018 – 2018/0106(COD)) (18 Apr 2019)
- Let’s not pretend the UK protects whistleblowers – it doesn’t (17 Apr 2019)
- Broadcaster Kaye Adams wins tax case against HMRC (17 Apr 2019)
- How money-laundering is hurting banks (17 Apr 2019)
- Airport boss raises Brexit and tax concern (16 Apr 2019)
- Warren Has a Good Beginning for Ending Corporate-Tax Avoidance (16 Apr 2019)
- Questions Remain Over Cayman Islands Tax Avoidance Law (16 Apr 2019)
- UK Treasury consults on extension of Money Laundering Directive to tax (16 Apr 2019)
- HM Treasury Consulatation: Transposition of the Fifth Money Laundering Directive (16 Apr 2019)
- Corporate Tax Avoidance Remains Rampant Under New US Tax Law - 60 Profitable Fortune 500 Companies Avoided All Federal Income Taxes in 2018 (16 Apr 2019)
- 9 popular US companies that paid $0 in taxes for 2018 (16 Apr 2019)
- UK sounds alarm over rising debt levels in poorest countries (16 Apr 2019)
- Crunched: the numbers behind big tech's tax avoidance (16 Apr 2019)
- Welcome to the world's biggest tax haven: The United States of America (16 Apr 2019)
- Czech companies leaving tax havens (16 Apr 2019)
- Big Tech's Big Tax Ruse: Industry Splurges on Buybacks Not Jobs (15 Apr 2019)
- Denmark has reported the local operations of Ernst & Young and KPMG to the police amid a widening crackdown on money laundering (15 Apr 2019)
- Swedbank drawn into criminal probe in growing money-launderingcrackdown (15 Apr 2019)
- Has this tax change killed buy-to-let investing? (15 Apr 2019)
- US Workers Are Paying High Taxes. But Without Any of the Benefits. (15 Apr 2019)
- The accountants' laundromat: How Britain is still washing dirty money (12 Apr 2019)
- MPs demand loan charge delay and inquiry (1
NEVER SAY NEVER: I really never thought I’d be praising Kim Kardashian. I’m not a celebrity-oriented kind of Dragon 🐉 . But her response to the celebrity college admissions scandal is actually praiseworthy: “If [my kids] couldn’t get into a school, I would never want to use privilege to try to force them into a situation that they wouldn’t thrive in anyway.”
Go, Ms. Kardashian!
CULTURE OF CORRUPTION: Matt Gaetz: Evidence of FBI-media ‘corruption’ coming out before DOJ inspector general report.
LAW ENFORCEMENT AS ORGANIZED CRIME: Police Use Department Wish List When Deciding Which Assets to Seize.
How Grifters Gamed Amazon to Sell the ‘Mueller Report’ Already - The Daily Beast: “Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s long-awaited report on the Trump campaign will be released Thursday, the Justice Department announced Monday. Like all public reports, the document will be free to read. That hasn’t stopped people from trying to sell Mueller report books on Amazon for months. Amazon’s book listings are an SEO cesspool where grifters try to peddle ebooks on every trending topic. In recent months, self-published works on the anti-vaccination and QAnon conspiracy theories have soared in Amazon’s ratings. So as readers clamored to see the full Mueller report, publishing houses and self-published authors rushed to sell books on the still-unpublished document. Alan Dershowitz, the celebrity lawyer and frequent Fox News guest, has not read the Mueller report yet. No one has, aside from Mueller’s team of investigators and Attorney General William Barr. But for more than a month, Dershowitz and the publishing house Skyhorse have been selling a book with the full text of the report, plus a foreword from Dershowitz. “There has never been a more important political investigation than Robert S. Mueller III’s into President Donald Trump’s possible collusion with Russia,” a product description for Dershowitz’s book reads. “His momentous findings can be found here.”…”
Bot attacks
costing companies $2M per breach: a growing number of internationally-based
cybercriminals are routing attacks through homegrown networks
In its study, Bots Down Down Under – An Australian Market Threat Report, Kasada analysed two specific actionable issues for businesses. The company examined how credential abuse attacks were delivered to companies through customer data as well as bot visibility and whether Australia’s top websites can differentiate between browsers (real humans) and bots.
In its study, Bots Down Down Under – An Australian Market Threat Report, Kasada analysed two specific actionable issues for businesses. The company examined how credential abuse attacks were delivered to companies through customer data as well as bot visibility and whether Australia’s top websites can differentiate between browsers (real humans) and bots.
Finally, it's Mueller time
The investigation's release promises to be one of the biggest media days of the year — so act accordingly.
Look for this headline in your newspaper, in your Twitter feed
or at the bottom of your favorite cable news network: “Mueller report clears
Or it might be this one: “Muller report finds president obstructed
Which one will be right? Maybe neither. But it won’t stop news
outlets from trying to figure out, as quickly as possible, what the report says
so they can wrap it up in one succinct headline and then set the day’s
The rush to definitive answers might satisfy the bloodlust of
the audience, but quick hot takes almost assuredly will be a disservice to that
audience. It seems impossible that 400 pages of complicated legal and political
matters can be boiled down to one sentence in a matter of minutes.
University of Southern California Gould School of Law professor
Orin Kerr sums it up well:
That falls in line with what Frank Sesno, director of George
Washington University’s media school and former CNN Washington bureau chief,
told Washington Post media columnist Margaret Sullivan.
“Put the reporters up front and put the opinionators to the side
for a good long while,’’ he said.
News outlets need to put accuracy ahead of attitude, prudence
ahead of posture.
Get it right, even though that might mean taking valuable time
deciphering the report. As
Sullivan writes, “That’s why it will be important for journalists, in the
initial reporting, to be open with their audiences or readers about what they
don’t know — to say, in essence, ‘we just got this and we are reading it in
real time and trying to figure it out.’”
News outlets need to control their excitement and resist the
temptation to hype the report beyond necessity or appropriateness.
My Poynter colleague Al
Tompkins writes to journalists: “What the report does or does not show, you
should resolve now to limit the adjectives you use to report this story on
Tompkins suggests journalists pledge to not use adjectives such
as “explosive” and to carefully go through the report, maybe even with a
spreadsheet, to see what’s what.
Think of it this way: When you were little and got a brand new
board game, you had two choices. You could read the directions and learn to
play the game properly. Or you could be one of those kids who said, “Let’s just
start playing and we’ll figure it out as we go.”
Learning on the fly is fine when you’re playing Candyland. It’s
not fine when you’re talking about a report that is investigating the President
of the United States.
Don’t call it a paywall
HuffPost is offering, instead, a "membership program."

“Our membership program is not a paywall,” HuffPost
editor-in-chief Lydia Polgreen wrote, “because we believe our journalism should
remain freely available to everyone — not just those who can afford to pay.”
Polgreen, right, writes that the HuffPost will have
three levels of membership:
- Free registration so readers can sync their bookmarks and manage newsletters.
- A $5.99 per month membership that includes access to members-only newsletters and other features.
- An annual membership of $99.99 for superfans, which comes with an exclusive limited-edition “People Before Power” T-shirt.
This King is a queen
Time magazine's six covers honor the nation's influencers.

Time magazine has published six different covers this week to commemorate its list of the “100 Most Influential People.” One of the covers features “CBS This Morning” co-host Gayle King. (Other covers feature singer Taylor Swift, actors Dwayne Johnson and Sandra Oh, politician Nancy Pelosi and soccer star Mohamed Salah.)
In the essay about King, film director Ava DuVernay writes,
“What most don’t understand about Gayle is that this perfected proximity to
others is a superpower that the best journalists possess. To be present, but
not centered. To observe. To bear witness.”
King is listed under the “Titans” category with the likes of
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg; athletes LeBron James, Alex Morgan and Tiger
Woods; Disney chairman and CEO Bob Iger, and architect Jeanne Gang.
More bad press for Alden
The hedge fund finds itself under the scrutiny of The Washington Post — and the federal government.

The Washington Post’s Jonathan O’Connell reports that Alden Global Capital, a hedge fund that controls more than 100 local newspapers including the Denver Post and Boston Herald and is trying to buy Gannett, is under federal scrutiny. The reason: an unusual move where it transferred $250 million of employee pension savings into its own accounts. The Post said that Alden is being investigated by the Department of Labor for management of pensions, although the specific investigation is unclear.
Hospital bills get Voxed into a corner
You have to ask how much their coverage impacted this hospital's about-face.
A year ago, 24-year-old Nina Dang was in a bicycle crash and
rushed to Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. She didn’t know the ER
there did not accept her Blue Cross insurance plan. She received a bill for
$20,243. After Vox ran
a story about it, the hospital reduced the bill to $200.
Now the hospital
is overhauling its billing policies. It will no longer charge those with
private coverage “any more than they would have paid out of pocket for the same
care at in-network facilities, based on their insurance coverage.”
Hot type
A curated list of great journalism and compelling media.
- Why couldn’t fact-checkers contain misinformation about the fire at Notre Dame? Poynter’s Daniel Funke explains.
- Does your idea of a good time include watching Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo lose her stuff on air and watching a bunch people argue about taxes and capital gains? Then this is for you.
- The Pulitzer board gave a special citation to The Eagle Eye, the student newspaper at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The New York Times’ Patricia Mazzei tells their story.
Richard Broinowski, via John Menadue
Nick Warner’s value-judgement observation casts doubt on the objectivity of the information he gives ministers, says Broinowski.