Fed Cafe, Wentworth Falls. Cassiopeia, Katoomba. ... Pop into Bakehouse on Wentworth for the juicy beef and Guinness pie, or Mountain High Pies for something a little spicier. Sausage rolls more ...
NPR interview – “Several publishers — Simon & Schuster’s Scribner imprint, Skyhorse Publishing and Melville House — have said they will publish special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.”
It is clear Congress and the American people must hear from Special Counsel Robert Mueller in person to better understand his findings. We are now requesting Mueller to appear before @HouseJudiciary as soon as possible
Nothing wrong with Trump camp taking Russian help, says Rudy Giuliani
In the Soviet Union, capitalism triumphed over communism. In this country, capitalism triumphed over democracy.
~Fran Lebowitz
Vladimir Putin in a KGB uniform around 1980

Vladimir Putin in a KGB uniform around 1980
"What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent ... The crisis would bring "a violent change of power, structure, and economy" and will be followed ...
The Special Counsel's report reveals all the times Donald Trump tried to get White House Counsel Don McGahn to fire Mueller.
When Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, "Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my ...
Mueller's team writes that it tried to interview the president for more than a year before Trump submitted written testimony in response to questions on certain Russia-related topics in November 2018.
US President Donald Trump tried to get the man appointed to investigate his links to Russia fired ...
Robert Mueller's investigation of the Russia scandal finds deep and wide misconduct by Donald Trump's campaign and repeated efforts by Trump to obstruct justice to cover up his deeds.
The long-awaited report by special counsel Robert Mueller confirms what we already knew: that Donald Trump and his campaign privately interacted with Russia while Putin's regime was ...
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's report on Russian interference in the 2016 election details 10 episodes of potential obstruction of justice by President Trump that prosecutors examined.
The Mueller report clearly shows that Donald Trump attempted to obstruct justice, regardless of what the attorney general says.
Mueller probe toxic but not fatal to Trump presidency - The Age
Key takeaways from Robert Mueller's Russia report
Sleep as important as sex, sound food and sounder exercise: Consistent approaches to working hours and shift breaks needed, sleep inquiry finds
If you're unnerved by the rise in totalitarianism, Timothy Snyder is the dark prophet you've been waiting for. But prophecy can be facile
San Diego Public Library Forgives $2 Million In Library Fines
“Libraries are known as the ‘great equalizers’ because we provide equal access for all patrons, regardless of their socio-economic status. Wiping the slate clean of outstanding fines means welcoming back many of the under-served patrons who most need our services.” – NPR
EVERYTHING IS FINE AT HARVARD: Harvard Sophomore Arrested for Assaulting Tutor, Two HUPD Officers
5G May Never Live up to the Hype – Motherboard
A woman miscarried at a California hospital. 6 years later she discovered the hospital had secretly taped the procedure. Business Insider
Why is there so little left of the early internet? BBC Future – It took nearly five years into the internet’s life before anyone made a concerted effort to archive it. Much of our earliest online activity has disappeared. “…The Million Dollar Homepage shows that the decay of this early period of the internet is almost invisible. In the offline world, the closing of, say, a local newspaper is often widely reported. But online sites die, often without fanfare, and the first inkling you may have that they are no longer there is when you click on a link to be met with a blank page…”
See also Axios: “The internet is an invisible mesh that enables instantaneous global communications, but delivering all those bits quickly to more people in more places requires increasingly exotic approaches. That latest viral video might start out in an underwater data center before traveling to a satellite, undersea cable or balloon — then hopping wirelessly to reach your phone…”
A Thinker’s Guide To Surviving The Coming Apocalypse

So many things seem bleak. Politics, the environment, the growing wealth gap, climate change. It’s enough to make anyone despair. But if you despair you become paralyzed. So how, exactly should we think about the coming apocalypse without succumbing to hopelessness? – The Outline
DCReport – Move Comes After Outcry Over Planned Destruction of Interior Department Documents – “The National Archives is changing the way it decides what records to destroy after an outcry about proposed mass destruction of records at the Interior Department. The change follows a campaign by writer Russ Kick whose website, AltGov 2, features government data and other researchers. “This is a huge deal,” said Kick. “The process whereby agencies and NARA [National Archives and Records Administration] decide which records get destroyed is absolutely crucial.” The Interior Department under disgraced Secretary Ryan Zinke proposed a massive purge of records about endangered animals, oil and gas leases, timber sales, dams and land purchases. National Archives traditionally posted notices about schedules of documents that could be shredded, but researchers who wanted to learn more about what was proposed for deletion had to request the actual schedules. Now they’ll be able to see the schedules online and also to comment online. “We are making this change as a result of clear, widespread interest from the public,” said Laurence Brewer, our country’s chief records officer…”