A photo of a jar of vegemite on sale at Sydney airport has left people in disbelief at the ridiculous price they are trying to sell it for.
A picture of the expensive spread was posted to Reddit with the caption: "Standard airport pricing for Vegemite!"
A 560 gram jar of vegemite costs $19 at Sydney airport.
To give a comparison on just how expensive that is, the same sized jar can be bought from Woolworths for $8.
Social media users were horrified by the crazy mark-up.
"The infamous 'your fault for not ducking up to the shops before your flight' tax," one person wrote.
"Probably be cheaper to get a taxi to Wolli Creek Woolies, buy your Vegemite there, then get another taxi back to T1." another said.
Other people were less concerned about the price of the vegemite and instead were wondering why anyone needed to take it on a flight in the first place.
"Those here who travel with vegemite… why? Is it you don’t want to try something new, or? I just seriously don’t get it," one person wrote.

Everyone’s Income Taxes Should Be Public
Disclosure of tax payments would make it easier to hold politicians accountable. It also would help to reduce fraud and economic inequality
John Quiggin: Economics in Two Lessons is coming out in the US next week. That gives me an excuse to share some of the nice things people have said about it. I’m particularly pleased with this one from Jacob Hacker, whose own work I admire very much.
With apologies to Isaiah Berlin, Quiggin is a foxy hedgehog: He knows two big things, and these twin lessons—about the virtues and limits of markets—sustain a pioneering, persuasive, and even passionate case for democracy and the mixed economy. Make room for two lessons in your mind, and on your bookshelf.”—Jacob S. Hacker, coauthor ofAmerican Amnesia: How the War on Government Led Us to Forget What Made America Prosper
Disclosure of tax payments would make it easier to hold politicians accountable. It also would help to reduce fraud and economic inequality
John Quiggin: Economics in Two Lessons is coming out in the US next week. That gives me an excuse to share some of the nice things people have said about it. I’m particularly pleased with this one from Jacob Hacker, whose own work I admire very much.
With apologies to Isaiah Berlin, Quiggin is a foxy hedgehog: He knows two big things, and these twin lessons—about the virtues and limits of markets—sustain a pioneering, persuasive, and even passionate case for democracy and the mixed economy. Make room for two lessons in your mind, and on your bookshelf.”—Jacob S. Hacker, coauthor ofAmerican Amnesia: How the War on Government Led Us to Forget What Made America Prosper
Coalition MPs urged to sell the ABC and support a flat tax in IPA call - The Canberra Times
John Lloyd: tap future APS leaders who can avoid PC ... Taxation Office chief operating officer Jacqui Curtis. ... his ongoing relationship with friends at the IPA from his office, ...
I Got Stoned and Did My Taxes. “Being comfortably high makes the burden of taxes a bit less awful.”
29 MAR 2019
Australians are losing faith in politicians, politics and even democracy itself — and is it any wonder? Another day, another political scandal. Today it’s One Nation caught apparently soliciting donations from the American gun lobby. What will it be tomorrow?
Outcomes measurement in the Australian community sector: a national report card
This report presents a unique analysis of outcomes measurement across the entire Australian community sector, using results from the Outcomes Measurement in the Community Sector Survey.
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Cher Reverses Course On Mass Immigration — ‘if My State Can’t Take Care Of Its Own, How Can It Take Care Of More?’