— Elizabeth Bowen, born in 1899
Loyalty list compiled by Trump appointee on US govt employees
“A former food and beverage lobbyist-turned-wine blogger under the name ‘Vino Vixen’, has reviewed the social media pages of State Department staffers for signs of ideological deviation.” (Foreign Policy)
These dogs sniff out cybercrime - This story appears in the summer 2018 edition of CNET Magazine: “Harley darts into a decrepit room in Connecticut. She’s searching for evidence. There are plenty of potential distractions in the room: Wires hang from the ceiling. Warped wood paneling buckles away from the walls. Faded yellow cabinets look like someone kicked a hole in them. “Are you ready to go to work?” Brett Hochron, a detective with the Westchester County Police, in New York, asks his partner. Harley immediately spots a lighter on a table and grabs it. She starts drooling. It’s a cold February afternoon, but Harley is focused. The basket of tennis balls next to the table doesn’t even get a glance. That’s because Harley is a very good dog. She’s also a graduate of an elite K-9 search class that trains dogs to sniff out electronics, including phones, hard drives and microSD cards smaller than your thumb…”
Dotted all along the Sydney coastline, from Palm Beach in the north to Maroubra in the middle to Cronulla in the south, are about 35 ocean pools — but not a single one has been carved out since the 1960s. Why Sydney's unique ocean pools are the envy of other Australian cities
Photo/Patrick Sison, File)
by Joel Ryan/Invision/AP)
(AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)
New York Times, Maybe the Gig Economy Isn’t Reshaping Work After All:
You can see the gig economy everywhere but in the statistics.
For years, economists, pundits and policymakers have grappled with the rise of Uber, the growth of temporary work and the fissuring of the relationship between companies and their workers. Optimists cheered the flexibility offered by the freelance life. Pessimists fretted about the disappearance of traditional jobs, with the benefits and legal protections they provided.
That debate has played out largely in the absence of solid data. But on Thursday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its first in-depth look at nontraditional work since 2005, and came to a startling conclusion: The old-fashioned job remains king [Contingent and Alternative Employment Arrangements].
Loyalty list compiled by Trump appointee on US govt employees
“A former food and beverage lobbyist-turned-wine blogger under the name ‘Vino Vixen’, has reviewed the social media pages of State Department staffers for signs of ideological deviation.” (Foreign Policy)
Police framed a teen for four burglaries so chief could tout perfect clearance rate, prosecutors say Washington Post
New York Gang Database Expanded by 70 Percent Under Mayor Bill de Blasio The Intercept
These dogs sniff out cybercrime - This story appears in the summer 2018 edition of CNET Magazine: “Harley darts into a decrepit room in Connecticut. She’s searching for evidence. There are plenty of potential distractions in the room: Wires hang from the ceiling. Warped wood paneling buckles away from the walls. Faded yellow cabinets look like someone kicked a hole in them. “Are you ready to go to work?” Brett Hochron, a detective with the Westchester County Police, in New York, asks his partner. Harley immediately spots a lighter on a table and grabs it. She starts drooling. It’s a cold February afternoon, but Harley is focused. The basket of tennis balls next to the table doesn’t even get a glance. That’s because Harley is a very good dog. She’s also a graduate of an elite K-9 search class that trains dogs to sniff out electronics, including phones, hard drives and microSD cards smaller than your thumb…”
Dotted all along the Sydney coastline, from Palm Beach in the north to Maroubra in the middle to Cronulla in the south, are about 35 ocean pools — but not a single one has been carved out since the 1960s. Why Sydney's unique ocean pools are the envy of other Australian cities
Mahon Pool at Maroubra in Sydney's east is exposed to south
westerly winds but has been praised as one of the city's top
'plungeworthy' pools. (Supplied: Rodney Campbell)
Home Affairs still struggling with record-keeping after executive exodus
Poor record-keeping practices have continued through several machinery-of-government changes to live on in the Department of Home Affairs.
Home Affairs still struggling with record-keeping after executive exodus
Poor record-keeping practices have continued through several machinery-of-government changes to live on in the Department of Home Affairs.
A new editor for Full Fact
Fact, a fact-checking charity based in the United Kingdom, had some big
staffing changes last week.
announced the hire of Tom Phillips as its editor. Phillips, who was
previously editorial director of BuzzFeed U.K., starts June 11 and will lead a
team of five fact-checkers.
same day, Phoebe Arnold, Full Fact’s head of communications and impact, made
public that she was leaving the charity this summer. The
application for her replacement closes June 18 at 10 a.m. BST.

This is how we do it
- Misinformation on WhatsApp is a real problem. Here’s how Verificado 2018 is working to combat it.
- ABC sponsored a show for Australian kids about misinformation and climate change.
- When Check Your Fact debunked an official’s claim about the number of MS-13 gang members on Long Island, the Department of Justice revised its numbers. It’s 875, not 2,000.
This is bad
- Here's what a deepfake video of Donald Trump in Belgium says about the future of political campaign strategy.
- This Italian-American from New York who “identifies with being British more than American” fooled a lot of journalists when he posed as a royal expert.
- Sweden: Even you must prepare for a fake news-filled election.

This is fun
- Daniel Radcliffe, the original “Harry Potter,” will star in the Broadway production of the 2012 book “The Lifespan of a Fact.”
- PolitiFact re-upped its fact check of Jake Tapper and Ben Shapiro’s comic book beef on Twitter.
- John Oliver fact-checks the meaning of “guardianship” with the help of Neil deGrasse Tyson on “Last Week Tonight.”
A closer look
- France continues to be a political laboratory for anti-misinformation action in Europe.
- Could lawsuits stop fake news and conspiracy theories? Through the Seth Rich trial, we may find out.
- The fantastical history of scams and lies around the world’s largest pearl is sad but strangely entertaining.

If you listen to one more thing
are the “missing immigrant children?” An immigration lawyer explains
to WBEZ how the facts got out of control.
12 quick fact-checking links
- Fake news is fueling a crisis in Qatar.
- Read the “bad-tempered emails” behind the Brexit vote.
- Fox News apologized after using a photo of Philadelphia Eagles players praying in coverage about kneeling during the national anthem.
- Norway’s Faktisk gets two new owners and additional funding.
- CQ has published a book on the history of news, misinformation and how to fight back against online hoaxes — with chapters by Alexios, along with Tom Rosenstiel and Katherine Ellis at API.
- Teyit.org has joined Facebook’s fact-checking program — making it the tech company’s first and only partner in Turkey.
- After someone vandalized the Wikipedia article for the California Republican Party, Google’s search results surfaced the group with “Nazism” under its ideology.
- “Serious and verified” is Le Monde’s new motto to sell subscriptions.
- PolitiFact won two Green Eyeshade awards.
- Clint Watts, author of “Messing with the Enemy,” talks to Wired about the mis/disinformation lessons he’s learned.
- RealClearPolitics makes its case for marking “updates” in fact-checking more clearly.
- Our brains “love fake news,” says an NYU professor, but don’t despair: You can do something about it.
via Daniel, Jane, and Alexios
Einstein’s racist views of Chinese people revealed in newly published travel diary
and editor Ze'ev Rosenkranz published his work,The Travel Diaries of
Albert Einstein: The Far East, Palestine, and Spain, 1922-23
Einstein's travel diaries reveal physicist's racism
published private travel diaries have revealed Albert Einstein's racist
and xenophobic views. Written between October 1922 and March 1923