It was formerly a terrifying view to me that I should one day be an old woman. I now find that Nature has provided pleasures for every state.
— Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, baptised on this date in 1689
Imrich - What's in an author name?
Social scientists study beauty as physical appearance. The natural sciences study it as pattern and structure, fractals and spheres. But a messier form of beautyis coming into view

National Review at 15
DON’T CALL IT STYLE: "The writer’s voice may be more
audible when it is shrieking or shouting or cursing. But the voice of the
strategically neutral writer is still a voice, one that we need when we try to
get at the truth without fear or favor," writes
Poynter’s Roy Peter Clark
Andrew Douglas Macintosh of Australia's leading retirement village company Aveo fame "Poo Jogger" Caught In The Act (*added as per SMS ;-)
*'Doubt' the key to being a successful investigator
Aveo's billions: behind the impenetrable aged-care empire - Michael West ...
After Friday’s Mediawire on “scandal inflation,” reader Anne Visser Ney writes: “We have scandal fatigue. Mitigate that, please. Stop the 24/7 reporting on stupidity. Dig out the harder story, the one about the acts of Everyman — Republican, Democrat, or otherwise — who is out there sailing in nasty seas trying to hold the good ship of republic together.”
Jan Assmann, The Invention of Religion: Faith and Covenant in the Book of Exodus. One of the best introductory works on the best and most important book ever written.
Why read old philosophy?
A number of commentators pick the most important economics books
Atlas Obscura: “For as long as libraries have been repositories of wisdom and knowledge, there has been a place on the shelf for cookbooks. In fact, many early cookbooks were more than just recipe collections—instructions for concocting medicine often jostled with dinner ideas for page space. Atlas Obscura has previously displayed ancient recipe collections, such as the Yale Peabody Museum’s Babylonian tablets, which contain theoldest known recorded recipes, and the New York Academy of Medicine’s 9th-century De re culinaria, the oldest surviving cookbook in the West. Cookbooks were once intended mainly for upper-class households. Only relatively recently did printing and educational advances make them more democratic. Today’s versions tend to hold well-lit photographs and elegant prose. But humanity has long turned to cookbooks for inspiration and entertainment, and whether sauce-stained or Gothic-lettered, cookbooks offer glimpses of humanity’s food history. Here is a collection of some of the oldest cookbooks from libraries around the world…”
How to fact-check politics in countries with no press freedom
Did Armenia Just Dance Its Way To Revolution?

This puts a new spin on the old Emma Goldman quote, "If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution." … Read More
Recently we came across this wonderful Anna Akhmatova poem, entitled N.V.N. and translated by Jane Kenyon:
There is a sacred, secret line in lovingwhich attraction and even passion cannot cross, —even if lips draw near in awful silenceand love tears at the heart.
Friendship is weak and useless here,and years of happiness, exalted and full of fire,because the soul is free and does not knowthe slow luxuries of sensual life.Those who try to come near it are insaneand those who reach it are shaken by grief.So now you know exactly whymy heart beats no faster under your hand.
You Think You’re Waiting A Long Time To Publish? This Zora Neale Hurston Book Took Ninety Years To Get To Print
She first tried to publish the novel in 1931, but its genesis was earlier. “Hurston began researching Barracoon in 1927, when she first interviewed the former slave Kossola (later named Cudjo Lewis) on an assignment from the famed anthropologist Dr. Franz Boas.”
Massive sinkhole in New Zealand exposes earth from 60,000 years ago Inhabitat. Shane: This piece was derived from one in The Mirror, but the Inhabit one has a longer, better video, which is worth watching.
Are Fake Books On Amazon Being Used For Money Laundering?
“Worthless” books priced at up to thousands, of dollars on and which contain only nonsensical text have been identified as possible vehicles for money laundering by an author whose name was, he says, used to send almost $24,000 (£17,200) to an unknown and fraudulent seller.
Russian literature and society
The Guardian, Finland to End Basic Income Trial After Two Years:
first national government-backed experiment in giving citizens free
cash will end next year after Finland decided not to extend its widely
publicised basic income trial and to explore alternative welfare schemes
January 2017, a random sample of 2,000 unemployed people aged 25 to 58
have been paid a monthly €560 (£475), with no requirement to seek or
accept employment. Any recipients who took a job continued to receive
the same amount.