smiles from far off.
Teeth of sandy foam, lips of blue sky
State of Origin 2018 Game 1: NSW Blues beat Queensland Maroons ...
Portraits of independent booksellers in New York City.
Scammers create a new form of theft: 'Synthetic-identityfraud'
Former bank boss guilty of multi-billion euro fraud
80% of Australian businesses expect to fall victim to email fraud
Artificial Intelligence And The Future Of Financial Fraud Detection
Informal Inquiries and Information Gathering: William Penn’s Trial — Historical Tidbit #1.
FYI: "If the law supposes that," said Mr. Bumble, squeezing his hat emphatically in both hands, "the law is a ass — a idiot. If that's the eye of the law, the law is a bachelor; and the worst I wish the law is, that his eye may be opened by experience — by experience."
Cumberland Clark was a Shakespeare scholar, a serious writer and critic, and no fool. Yet he's also the author of reams of ludicrous doggerel. Is he the second-worst poet in English? Shakespeare Scholar
Bitcoin, home offices, work deductions and property investors

Bharathipura and Samskara-author U.R.Ananthamurthy's autobiography, Suragi, is now available in English, and at Souradeep Roy reports that Like all good autobiographies, UR Ananthamurthy's 'Suragi' is delicious literary gossip.
I do hope to get my hands on this sometime ... meanwhile, see the Oxford University Press publicity page, or get your copy at or

New railway tops list of Sydney's most wanted projects
"Sydneysiders want new public transport infrastructure to take priority over big road projects, polling shows." (SMH)
Artificial Intelligence And The Future Of Financial Fraud Detection
CV fraud: How inflated is your resume?
CV fraud is an under-appreciated issue. As technology disrupts industry, companies must be agile and able to change direction quickly.
Informal Inquiries and Information Gathering: William Penn’s Trial — Historical Tidbit #1.
FYI: "If the law supposes that," said Mr. Bumble, squeezing his hat emphatically in both hands, "the law is a ass — a idiot. If that's the eye of the law, the law is a bachelor; and the worst I wish the law is, that his eye may be opened by experience — by experience."
Cumberland Clark was a Shakespeare scholar, a serious writer and critic, and no fool. Yet he's also the author of reams of ludicrous doggerel. Is he the second-worst poet in English? Shakespeare Scholar
Should auditors be held liable if they miss fraud?
Should detecting fraud or other major infractions be part of an auditor's professional duty of care or is it a step too far? By Nina Hendy ...
Bitcoin, home offices, work deductions and property investors
New ATO commissioner to hear taxpayer appeals 'inevitable'
It is inevitable that a second new Australian Taxation Office commissioner will be appointed alongside Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan

Bharathipura and Samskara-author U.R.Ananthamurthy's autobiography, Suragi, is now available in English, and at Souradeep Roy reports that Like all good autobiographies, UR Ananthamurthy's 'Suragi' is delicious literary gossip.
I do hope to get my hands on this sometime ... meanwhile, see the Oxford University Press publicity page, or get your copy at or

The more valuable your work is to society, the less you’ll be paid for it David Graeber, LinkedIn.
Starbucks, at the Intersection of Race and Class in America NYT. I’ve been mulling intersectionality again, and I’m not sure headlines like this don’t contain a category error
New railway tops list of Sydney's most wanted projects
"Sydneysiders want new public transport infrastructure to take priority over big road projects, polling shows." (SMH)