Priceless History, Intangible Richness: The Millions Interviews Lillian Li

↩︎ Southern Poverty Law Center
What Mark Textor, Australia's most famous pollster, did next
VIRGINIA ALLEN: The Importance of Dads in an Increasingly Fatherless America.
There is a “father absence crisis in America,” according to National Fatherhood Initiative, and the results are sobering.Studies have found that children raised without a father are:At a higher risk of having behavioral problems.
Four times more likely to live in poverty.
More likely to be incarcerated in their lifetime.
Twice as likely to never graduate high school.
At a seven times higher risk of teen pregnancy.
More vulnerable to abuse and neglect.
More likely to abuse drugs and alcohol.
Twice as likely to be obese.From education to personal health to career success, children who lack a father find themselves at a disadvantage to their peers raised in a two-parent household.
George Orwell Predicted The Difficulty Of Writing When Truth Has Been Undermined
Orwell was right. The totalitarian regime rests on lies because they are lies. The subject of the totalitarian regime must accept them not as truth—must not, in fact, believe them—but accept them both as lies and as the only available reality. She must believe nothing. Just as Orwell predicted, over time the totalitarian regime destroys the very concept, the very possibility of truth. Hannah Arendt identified this as one of the effects of totalitarian propaganda: it makes everything conceivable because “nothing is true.”
"Some place warm, a place where the beer flows like wine, where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. I’m talking about a little place called Maroubra."
"Some place warm, a place where the beer flows like wine, where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. I’m talking about a little place called Maroubra."
Little has been heard from the famous pollster since the disastrous results of his campaigns for Theresa May and Malcolm Turnbull.