Monday, October 06, 2003

The Murdoch trick depends on his Children doing the same trick
In The Murdoch Archipelago, published by Simon and Schuster, Page argues that Murdoch has built a media business model unlike any others; one where his newspapers and television stations have been placed at the disposal of politicians in return for favours that have advanced his commercial interests.
Fascination with this man - who inherited one daily newspaper in Adelaide from his father, Sir Keith, in 1952, from which he built a global empire with assets totalling $US42 billion ($61 billion) - runs deep. His interventionist style, documented in depth by disgruntled former editors and reporters, and the broad array of media outlets he controls, have long worried journalists and those who lobby for greater diversity of media ownership.
It comes at a time when Murdoch is not only under attack in the UK for suspected nepotism but has also drawn heavy flak in the US for his control of television stations.

· The Man Behind The Control [SMH ]
· The Man Behind The Curtain [USNews ]